Title Exodus 12:1~14 Celebrate the Passover
Exodus 12:1~14 Celebrate the Passover Topic: 40. Feasts 2008. 3. 2.
◎ Introduction
: The Passover deals with God's salvation and God's judgment.
※ The first necessary condition for passover salvation is a lamb without blemish (1~13).
1. Passover (1~4)
2. Lamb (5-14)
1. Passover (1~4)
※ The Passover is the night that God will save His people from ① the slavery of Egypt (the world) and ② the plagues of death.
points to
1) The importance of the Passover: The monthly calendar changes (1~2)
※ God gave them a new monthly calendar so that everything would be new.
※ The new month is “Abib ( )”. Meaning means “sprout of grain” and indicates the characteristics of spring (March-April).
* After the Babylonian captivity (586 B.C.), it starts from the month of Nisan in the Babylonian calendar (Esther 3:7, Neh 2:1).
※ The Passover is a new beginning, a new life. This is like being born again of believers.
※ The day you are born again is the best day in your life. He abandons his old life and begins a new life,
We are moving towards the promised land.
(Eze 36:26, Matt 18:3, John 3:3, Acts 3:19, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Gal 6:15, Eph 4:22-24, Col 3:9-10)
※ The people who were liberated to Egypt showed a new beginning by using a new calendar,
All mankind in the world has a new lunar calendar by the coming of Christ.
* The climax of Jesus Christ is his resurrection from the dead. Since it is a historical event that saved the world, we have come to determine the history and seasons based on the date of Christ's birth.
2) People who keep the Passover (3~4)
① Israel’s entire congregation (3)
* Another word for congregation ( : kahal) has the same meaning as assembly, church ( κκλησ α).
② Each family must take a lamb for its members (3)
* Each family must take one lamb on the tenth day of the month. Passover was a family-oriented event
③ Families with few members should share the lamb with their neighbors (4)
* Every member of the family must interact with the Lamb. All members of the family should participate in the Lamb.
* Each family member must participate and participate in the Lamb for the protection and redemption of the blood sprinkled on the doorpost.
(Deuteronomy 4:9, 6:6-7, 31:12-13, Joshua 8:35, Proverbs 3:1, 22:6, 2 Timothy 1:5)
2. Lamb (5-14)
※ What kind of lamb should the Passover lamb be?
1) Qualifications of the Lamb (5)
※ The Passover lamb must have no spots or blemishes (perfect). ② One year old (the best one). ③ Sheep or goats.
This was the law ordained by God throughout the Bible.
※ The Lamb is a type of Jesus Christ (John 1:29, 36, Ephesians 1:7, 1 Peter 1:18-19, Revelation 7:9, 12:11, ...)
2) Sacrifice of the Lamb (6-11)
※ The commands regarding the sacrifice of the Lamb were very specific.
① The lamb must be slaughtered on the evening of the 14th day of the month. (6)
* Symbolizes that it was ordained by God that Jesus Christ had to come and die at a certain time. (Galatians 4:4-5, Mark 1:15)
② The blood of the lamb should be applied to the left and right posts and lintels of the door. (7)
* The Lamb and its blood were offered on behalf of the believer. (Le 17:11)
* The blood on the doorposts and lintels was a public confession of faith.
③ Roast meat and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter greens (8)
* For the Passover, we should eat the Passover together, worship together, and celebrate together, centered on the family.
* Eating the Passover
ⓐEating the Lamb is sure to eat the merits of Christ's death.
ⓑ Unleavened bread symbolizes righteousness. Eating the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
ⓒThe bitter monster symbolizes the difficult times, no matter how old you are.
* The church should also be family-centered.
④ It should be grilled and eaten. (9)
* The whole animal (head, legs, intestines) must be roasted over a fire. It should not be eaten raw or boiled.
* The Lamb was presented as a symbol of the very special death of Christ.
⑤ Do not leave any food until morning. (10)
* All leftovers must be burned.
⑥ You must eat quickly. (11)
* The Passover meal had to be dressed and eaten in haste, ready to march towards the Promised Land.
There should be no hesitation in coming out of Egypt and starting a new life.
3) Purpose of the Lamb: Death on behalf of the believers (12-14)
※ God's purpose for the Passover lamb was to die in the place of the firstborn of Israel.
* I wanted to show that there must be a substitute who will die for the believer.
① The purpose of the Passover Lamb had to do with judgment. (12)
* He would bring judgment on Egypt and all its gods, including man and animals. (12)
* The Egyptians have long rejected God and worshiped idols.
* Even God's people were made slaves and massacred.
* He struck down the gods of Egypt by judging the firstborn of the beasts. (He made animal gods)
② Faith in God (13)
* The blood of the Passover lamb on the doorpost was a sign that the person believed in God.
* God did not condemn the believer. (13)
* Some in Egypt and some in other Gentiles also believed in God and united with Israel (38).
4) This day should be kept in commemoration. (14)
※ It must be followed from generation to generation as an eternal ordinance.
◎ Conclusion: