Title Faith to be called
Hymn: 355 (New Hymn No. 323) "This Body Is Called Out"
Meditation: When God calls me, can I fully obey that call?
Confession of Faith: Apostles' Creed
Text: "The LORD called Samuel the third time, and he got up and went to Eli and said, "I am here because you have called me." When Eli realized that the LORD had called the child, he said to Samuel, " Go, lie down, and when he calls you, say, Say, O LORD, and your servant will listen.” So Samuel went and lay down in his place” (1 Samuel 3:8-9).
First, it is faith to receive God's call in the field of my life. From among the many children of Israel, God called Samuel, who was sleeping near the ark of God. Moses was called to be a shepherd before a vision of a burning bush on Mount Horeb. In this way, God comes to the field of our lives and calls us.
Second, it is a faith that clearly responds to repeated calls. When God called Samuel, he called him three times. And on the fourth call, he fell on his face before God and said, “Speak, and your servant will hear.” Where does the power to lead someone to a dangerous ministry where they must prepare for the crisis of death and martyrdom comes from? Underlying this is the endlessly repeated call of God.
Third, we must have faith that responds to our calling and makes our mission clear. Living in one era, it is one's choice as to what kind of person I will live in this world, the church, and the field of the gospel. God's call is glorious and blessed, but the answer to that call is important.
Prayer: God, grant us the faith to confess, 'Lord, I hear' when You call us. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.