Title For Revival (2008. 2. 3)
Date: February 3, 2008
Word: Joel 2:12-17
Title: For Revival
Contents :
The word revival means to renew what is withered and withered. In other words, every day I die and Jesus lives is revival. Revival is when the old person dies and is reborn as a new person every day. This kind of history causes many people to turn to the Lord.
Revival is now.
In verse 12 of the text, it is written, “You are now”. The word “now” refers to the present. Revival is not a thing of the past, nor is it something to be postponed to the future. We need to know that the time we breathe, the time we can walk and speak, is the time for revival. It's not a blessing from the past. Sick churches and sick people only look back on the past and grow old. As the church grows old, it gets sick and dies. As the souls of the saints grow old, they rot, decay, and darken. As the church always sprouts, it must become a church where the fire of grace burns. The Mizpah Revival Movement, the Early Church in Jerusalem, and the Great Pyongyang Revival Movement. Grace or revival is not 'next time'. Revival is the work that God is giving now.
Salvation, grace, evangelism and prayer are things that should never be delayed.
Revival is returning to God with all your heart.
Verse 12 says, “Return to me with all your heart.” Tear your heart, not your clothes. This is “repentance.” Repentance is the Greek word for “metanonia,” which means to change your mind, thoughts, and actions. The reason God requires the center of our hearts is because the source of revival is the heart. Those who hide in closets and those who have gone far away must first return to God in their hearts.
Revival is gathering.
Without gathering, there is no revival. This is because God works when the saints gather. On the day of Pentecost, when 120 believers gathered in Mark's upper room to pray, God poured out the Holy Spirit. The fire of the Holy Spirit was given to Cornelius's family when his family, relatives, and comrades gathered. Because people gathered in Jerusalem, a miraculous work was created in which 3,000 or 5,000 people repented and returned. I believe that the gathering church will revive. I believe that the house where we gather will receive grace.
He commands God to weep and pray.
We believe that families who weep and pray will be blessed. The church is a house of weeping and prayer. Tears offered to God make a great work. We look forward to igniting the true flames of revival in our homes this year.
May the great flames of revival be thrown into our church this year.