Title Hebrews 12:14 - 29
Contents Main text: Hebrews 12:14 - 29
*** Dangers we must avoid (verses 14-17)
God has admonished us not to be passive in our relationships with other believers. In order to live in peace, it takes effort to avoid avoiding people we hate. Do you find it difficult to reconcile with someone when your relationship has gone awry? We are commanded to be holy. Otherwise, you will never see God. How holy are we in our day-to-day life? An unforgiving heart is a cancer-like disease and a very destructive factor in Christian fellowship. But how easily do we become angry and hate others? And especially these days, immoral things are infiltrating not only the lives of the saints but also the lives of pastors. Am I following the world? Or are you obeying God's Word? One immoral act once committed can ruin our entire life.
*** Shadows of the past (verses 18-21)
Burning mountains, black clouds, darkness, the trembling voice of God, the image of God that has driven people into a crucible of fear, how dare we face such things? We need to recall what Moses or God's people experienced when God first gave the law to man. These days we are dealing with God and His Word with no reverence. We have His name written on our coats and disposable coffee bags. Have we not become numb, forgetting the fear of reducing God to suit our hearts and not putting His Word above the newspaper articles? We should humble ourselves before Him and give thanks to God for reminding us of history. Because that history enables us to experience His love and mercy today.
*** The wonder of our present status and our hopes for the future (verses 22-24)
It's a great contrast. All of these are experiences of every child of God whose name is written in the book of life. Because Almighty God took on a human body and found us. We can come to Moses with boldness without the fear or fear he experienced. We have become part of a great multitude that humans cannot count. Unlike the priests of the Old Testament, we have Jesus as our intercessor, and His amazing blood has enabled us to come boldly before God with all our supplications and prayers. The question is this. As I commune with God through prayer, am I looking forward to my inheritance? And do I rejoice in the Lord's redemption?
*** Danger of disobedience (verses 25-27)
Disobedience tolerated in the home leads to school, which in turn leads to moral breakdown, corruption and crime. It is our privilege to have a Heavenly Father who loves us as children of God, and it is also our privilege to have Jesus who redeemed us and the Holy Spirit, the Comforter who empowers us and motivates us to obey. How can we hear God's commands? It is through the Word. Am I reading the Bible every day to learn good life lessons and also to illuminate the dark side of my life? Do I feel fear when I disobey God's commands? Being a child of God entails responsibility. Because there is a judgment.
*** Let's know God rightly. (Verses 28-29)
God is not just a God of love and mercy. Because he is completely holy, he has no tolerance for sin. One day, the present world will disappear and the kingdom of God will be established. This day could be tomorrow. b Am I living today, preparing for the kingdom of God to be revealed? Am I grateful for being a child of God's kingdom? Am I offering an event that pleases God? Or do you leave your heart in the world and honor Him with your mouth only? Do I feel like a close friend when I talk to him? Or is it fear and suspicion? Fear and doubt must be removed from me. Only when we are clothed with the righteousness of Christ can we cast off our fears and doubts and stand boldly before the throne of God on the Day of Judgment.