Title I Will See Greater Things Than This
Hymn: 482 "The Time of My Prayer"
Meditation: Do you have your own private room of prayer and meditation?
Confession of Faith: Apostles' Creed
Text: “The next day Jesus was about to go out to Galilee… ” (John 1:43-51)
Word: The first disciples of Jesus keep coming out. Andrew and John became disciples of Jesus through the evangelism of John the Baptist, but Philip accepted Jesus' direct invitation to “follow me” and became disciples. John, Andrew, and Philip were all from Bethsaida and knew each other well. After meeting Jesus, Philip visits his friend Nathanael, just as Andrew preached to his brother Peter. Philip introduces Jesus to Nathanael that he had met “the One who was written in the law and by the prophets” (verse 46).
The Israelites grew fig trees in their gardens to block the sun, and godly people sat under the shade to read the Bible or pray. Jesus saw Nathanael secretly praying under the fig tree, waiting for the kingdom of God and the Messiah. Like Nathanael, we must have our own fig tree. Jesus tells Nathanael, “You will see greater things than these.”
Prayer: May we come to know you more deeply and experience grace and blessings more abundantly than when we first believed. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.
Lord's Prayer