Title If you put me down once more
if you put me down one more time
Many people walk and look great and live.
They seem to have no worries or concerns.
However, if you look a little deeper, there is no one without problems.
You will find that there is no one without worries.
Being human, it is very different from the appearance
We live with big and small problems.
It was the same with Naaman, the main character in today's text.
He is a "military minister" in a country called Syria.
In today's terms, he's the Secretary of Defense.
Anyone who is holding the military power of one country in the past or present
He is a man of great courage and power.
The Bible describes him as "a great and great man" to the king of Syria.
Presumably, even the king of that country didn't seem to have treated him badly.
He must have possessed great wealth, and many of his servants must have followed him.
Moreover, according to the Bible, he was used by God.
God was in crisis through him
There was also a case that helped save the country of Syria.
But Naaman had a huge problem.
It was none other than leprosy that came upon him.
At that time, leprosy was even more terrifying than today's leprosy.
It was a very desperate situation.
Only Naaman received a solution to the problem.
1. Hearing the gospel and relying on it, I received a solution.
5:3 And he said to his mother-in-law, Our master is in Samaria.
I wish you were before the prophet, he will heal the leper.
These words were just passing by.
But the mother-in-law didn't just let these words go
I passed it on to Naaman.
In the end, Naaman had to catch even the straw.
He believed the word and asked the king to let him go to the land of Israel.
In the end, he goes with the king's letter.
That's right.
Naaman hears the gospel and goes to him.
Jesus came to this earth as the healer of all our problems.
2. Naaman crossed several mountains that he had to cross.
He said that he had many hurdles to overcome before his problem was cured.
What mountain did he climb?
1) The biggest mountain was the mountain of face.
2) The second has crossed the mountain of pride.
You too have to take it off.
Saints! Satan sows evil in us and causes us to fall.
Pride of ignoring others,
The pride of saying that I am a senior, the intellectual pride of knowing how much I know
We need to jump over this mountain of pride.
To do that, you must have the ability to be humble.
Too many Christians can't get over the mountain of pride
We are living in the midst of suffering and experiencing tragedy.
3) The third mountain must overcome the mountain of disobedience.
God sometimes tests us to give us grace.
You have to believe that the most common of those tests is the obedience test.
Does Abraham take such a test?
He sees obedience to the end.
Then, by blessing that faith, He gives the blessing of resolution.
Dear saints,
How do you get over these mountains?
There are several reasons why Naaman was able to cross these mountains.
1) It is because of self-control.
2) I have a good scholar.
The decisive counselor is the servant who is about to turn around in front of Elisha's house.
The servant helped Naaman change his mind.
The servant gives wise advice.
5:13 His servants came and said,
If the prophet had commanded you, my father, to do great things
Have you not done it? How much more shall I say to you, Wash and be clean?
Is it Ham?
3) I changed my mind after listening to other people's stories.
He who listens to your servant,
A person who changes my thinking by taking advice from people around me,
Such a person is a person whose problems are not a sin, but a blessing.
When a problem arises, the solution is
My thoughts and my experiences before God,
They say I have to put my face down one more time.
Learn patience through trials.
Those who have experienced many trials are wise and honorable.
do you want to be blessed
You need to train well to lose material in order to receive material blessings.