Title Justification (Romans 04:1-9)
Content Being justified is the greatest blessing. Abraham received this blessing, and the saints are those who received this blessing. This blessing comes through Jesus Christ. Let's see how great grace and blessing this justification is.
God's Justification of Abraham
1. Abraham, the physical ancestor of the Jews (1)
1) Abraham cannot be justified by works
Abraham obeyed by faith, but on the other hand, sometimes when difficulties came, he lied to overcome the crisis by his own scheme rather than relying on God (Genesis 12:10-17, 20:1-10). In other words, there were times when Abraham was just a cowardly coward rather than the father of faith in his physical appearance. But God justified Abraham and glorified him. This is entirely by God's grace.
2) Only with God's blessing could we become the ancestors of a great nation.
Without God's blessing, Abraham, who had not seen children until close to 100 years old, would not have been able to become the father of such a great nation.
2. Abraham's legal acts (2)
1) Abraham's act of nothing to be proud of
Abraham's obedience to faith is considered enough to be proud of. But the text here tells us that such a thing is not something to brag about. In other words, the reason that Abraham's name was exalted and his deeds became beautiful is that only because God justified him, all of Abraham's deeds were not legally worthy of boasting before God. If there was anything Abraham could boast about, it was the fact that he was justified by faith before God.
2) Abraham who did not have perfect works that could not be justified (mistakes, false sins)
3) Acts that cannot receive a company
Abraham waited because God had promised to give him offspring. However, as the waiting got longer, he became exhausted and could not wait for the promise, so he took a maid named Hagar and had a son named Ishmael (Genesis 16). This was an act of disobeying God's Word and breaking the promise we had made with God. But God saw Abraham's faith and made him righteous.
3. Abraham's righteousness through faith (3)
verses 4-6; character of justification
1. Natural Justification (4)
1) Truly, justification given to those whose actions are righteous is natural justification.
2) This justification is not a grace, but a natural price like the price of work.
3) However, there is no one who will receive this justification except Jesus Christ.
2. Justification by grace (5)
1) The justification that justifies the ungodly is the justification that comes through grace.
2) Even though there were sinful deeds, it was given through faith in Jesus Christ.
Righteousness is called righteousness given by grace.
3) The justification that comes by this grace is impartial to those who have faith in Christ.
It is such a justification to come.
3. Happiness of those who are justified (6)
1) Happiness in which the guilt is covered--All sins committed so far are covered with nothing 2) There is happiness that is received unconditionally 3) There is happiness in entering the eternal kingdom of heaven--Received the kingdom of heaven as an inheritance verses 7-9 ; lucky person
1. Blessed is the person whose iniquity is forgiven (7)
1) Blessed are those whose hearts have been cleansed.--Able to live a holy life. 2) Blessed are those who are loved by God.--Those whom God gives grace to are those whom God loves. (1 Peter 4:8)'. . . . Love covers a multitude of sins.' God has shown us His love by covering all our sins.
2. Blessed are those whose sins are not acknowledged (8)
1) The Supreme Judge is the Lord.
2) However, since He did not acknowledge our sins, the actual forgiveness of sins was achieved.
3. Blessed are those who have the faith of Abraham, who was counted righteous (9)
1) Abraham's faith (Gen 12:1), who entrusted his future work to God, obeyed and justified him.
Obtaining the blessing of becoming one's self--Therefore, we believers should not have an attitude of clinging to only realistic life. We must entrust our future to God. This kind of faith is one who has the same faith as Abraham.
2) Blessed are those who are circumcised (Jews) or uncircumcised (Gentiles) or who have the faith of Abraham. I pray that you will walk the path of the blessed person who is justified by faith alone to the end.