Title Know Yourself
Hymn: 358 "When the Morning Sun Rises"
Meditation: The awareness of the existence of a country ultimately creates my worth. Let's meditate on what being a child of God means to you.
Confession of Faith: Apostles' Creed
main text:… What is man, that you think of him, and what is the Son of man, that you counsel him? (Psalm 8:1-9)
Word: What is a human being? Nothing is more important to humans than knowing this. Because people act as much as they know. As much as I understand who I am, I expect and nurture life as much as I can. Then what kind of being am I? What kind of human being is the Bible talking about?
It is the object of God's special interest (v. 4). The person used here means ‘a fragile being’ or ‘a weak, worn-out, perishable being’.
So, what kind of being is God? See verse 1. “O LORD our lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth, you have set your glory in the heavens” (verse 1).
The word beautiful here means majesty. God is glorious and majestic both on earth and in heaven. You are the Creator.
It is a masterpiece made by God (verse 5). This word translated here as an angel is written as ‘Elohim’ in the original language. The word ‘Elohim’ is an expression of Almighty God. It would be better to translate it as “make me a little lower than God.” See the next expression. “You are crowned with glory and honor,” he said. To be crowned with glory and honor means to be the supreme creature, the supreme being.
When God created the heavens and the earth, he created human beings as special beings. Remember that God's evaluation of man was "very good in God's sight." You are a masterpiece of God.
They are being established as stewards of God (verse 6). God has entrusted to man the rule of all that He has made. And he put all things under man's feet. The privilege of ruling all things, the being above all things, this is human beings. I know someone and value myself.
Prayer: God, remind us of how you made us, like clay, your great masterpiece, and made us rulers of all things. May I live in fellowship with the God who loves me every day. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.