Title [Lent 14th] Deuteronomy 9:1~8 (2011.3.24)
Title: Result of Grace
Text: (Deuteronomy 9:1-8)
Hymns: 314. love my savior jesus more
Date: March 24, 2011 (Thursday), 5:00 a.m. (14th of Lent)
Venue: Jeonju Yebut Church Small Worship Room
Effort is required to achieve any purpose. However, there are times when hard work alone is not enough. When we taste failure, we can be humble. In the text, Moses is telling the Israelites that they will enter the land of Canaan by the power of God, not by their own power.
1. Only God's Grace
The entry of the Israelites into Canaan was possible only by God's grace. Because the people of Israel did not deserve any blessings. But God was gracious and gave them the land of Canaan flowing with milk and honey. As such, God does not give grace through qualified and merited humans. He is the one who chooses humans without any qualifications or merits by the grace of God alone, makes them his own people, guides them himself, and grants them the land of blessing. Therefore, even if we receive special grace from God, there is nothing that human beings can be proud of. It is the result of God's grace that Israel was chosen as God's people and entered into the land of Canaan flowing with milk and honey by God's power. We should be thankful for the graces that were freely given to us today.
2. Justice
Moses instructs the people of Israel to give up their pride and give thanks to God with a humble heart (verses 4-5). Moses' teachings were not limited to the Israelites. Fallen us never have any intentions. We cannot please or satisfy God with our righteousness. It was by no means possible for the Israelites to enjoy the blessings of Canaan because of their righteousness. Only when we are in Christ are we righteous in God's sight. We are chosen by God to be righteous and enjoy grace and blessing because God's righteousness is given to us through Christ. We only give thanks and praise to the Lord.
3. Prayer of Tears
God's work is done by those who pray. Among many people, God is looking for those who pray with tears and faithfully walk before God. We must not overlook that there are many prayers of tears in the midst of God's great work. There were Moses' tears and intercession until Israel entered the land of Canaan. Without Moses' dedication, the Israelites would have died in the wilderness because of God's wrath. Moses fasted many days before God and prayed for the sins of the people. Like Moses, we too must pray with tears for our nation, people, society, and families. Now is the time we need intercessors of tears more than ever.
It was only because of God's grace that the Israelites entered the land of Canaan and enjoyed abundance and stability. Because God has been merciful and merciful. And behind God's grace was the intercession of Moses, a man of God. In this way, I hope that we too will intercede and become intercessors to announce the will of God.
1. Help me to realize that everything is only by God's grace and give thanks!
2. Raise up the warriors of intercession, and let the fire of intercession burn!
3. Lead the youth discipleship training class and let the grace of the Lord overflow!