Title Lesson 6/ Practical Evangelism (1)
1. Spiritual preparation for evangelism
Repentance without unconfessed sins (Matthew 3:8,9), a transformed life (2 Corinthians 5:17), a clean life (2 Timothy 2:21), a life of devotion (Romans 12:1; Phil 1:21), compassion A young life (Matthew 9:36), a life of perseverance (1 Corinthians 2:2), a life of prayer (Jeremiah 33:3), and a life filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8) are the forms of spiritual preparation that an evangelist must have. . If there are still shortcomings in this appearance, efforts must be made to fill the gaps. And the quick way to prepare for this kind of spiritual preparation is to practice evangelism right now. This is because God will fill it for you (John 4:1-39).
2. Personality preparation for evangelism
Kindness, cheerfulness, smile, liveliness, polite manners, wit, wisdom, and understanding are the personal elements that an evangelist must possess. However, as we are still poor people, we should pray without ceasing to prepare these characters and establish them in our hearts and lives.
3. Prepare your heart for evangelism
We need the conviction that we are a Christian, that the Holy Spirit will help us (John 14:26), that we have courage and boldness, and that we leave the results to God with the thought that only Jesus will tell us. And preach the gospel with power, love, and a sober heart. (2 Timothy 1:7) “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind.” God will surely help you to win.
4. Goals the evangelist should have
○ Make me like you. ○ Understand the other person's spiritual state. ○Put him in front of the message of the gospel and consider him precious. ○ If possible, make a decision on the spot. ○Make them attend church next week (I am worried that it will take 3 years or that I will not be saved forever, as delaying church attendance becomes a habit.) ○Leave the door open so that we can visit again.
☞If the goal is not clear, efforts to achieve the goal are often not active. Therefore, we should expect a clear goal from the beginning and work hard while praying.
5. Seven Principles of Evangelism
These are the principles of evangelism based on the text (John 4).
1) Make social contact with others (v. 7). “Could you give me some water?”
2) Foster common interests (vv. 7-8). “Water - bottled water”
3) Arouse curiosity (verses 10-12). “Where can I get living water?”
4) Show that there is a way to satisfy people's interests (vv. 13-15). “Whoever drinks the water I give”
5) Create an opportunity to see yourself (verses 16-19). “You had five husbands”
6) Do not deviate from the main point. Jesus did not deviate from the main point (living water-worship-evangelism). * It does not flow due to problems with her husband.
7) Face Christ directly/Woman's Witness (19-26). “Come and see”
※The fruit of evangelism is salvation through meeting with Jesus. The Samaritan woman was supplied with living water through her encounter with Jesus and was saved. And with the thrill of salvation, another number evangelized the people of the village and made a meeting with Jesus. Of course, they also believed and were saved, so it is the fruit of evangelism. Now is the time for us to bear the fruits of evangelism.