Title Let's Grow!/John 8:31-36
Do any of you my age remember the speech of an American politician named Patrick Henry in an old middle school textbook? "Give me liberty, or death!" (Give me freedom, or give me death). It was a short speech, but the preciousness of freedom touched my young heart. Today, let's listen to what Jesus has to say about freedom. For the past four weeks we have been thinking about being born again. He said that those who were born once physically into the world must be born again spiritually. He said that physical life was given to us by our physical parents, but eternal life is given as a gift from our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. I said that we should receive that gift and make it ours, and let us know this fact clearly and live. And we looked into the evidence of being born again, the reasons why we must be born again, and the changes that start at the same time as we are born again.
Today, I want to talk about growth while thanking God for giving us a new birth. “Therefore, Jesus said to the Jews who believed in him…” (verse 31). This is a message to those who believe. A believer is a person who believes in Jesus and receives spiritual life from God and becomes a child of God. Jesus said to those who believe, "If you abide in my word, you will truly be my disciples." What does it mean? If we believe in Jesus, we all become disciples of Jesus. But what Jesus wants is for us to become true disciples, not mere disciples. Who is a true disciple? He is a person who was born spiritually and grew up normally, so anyone can see that he is a disciple of Jesus. Even if you and I get old and weak on the outside, the inside person gets stronger every day, so that wherever we look, we want to be a disciple of Jesus that we don't lack.
But then, Jesus expressed the true disciple differently. “Therefore, if the Son sets you free, you will truly be free” (verse 36). A truly free man is a well-developed and mature man. In general, when you think of 'freedom', you might think that you do what you want, as you please, but that is fake freedom. Jesus described such freedom as 'bondage' and 'slave'. what species are you? It is a slave to sin. A truly free person does not live according to his own will, but lives according to God's will. A truly free person is one who lives according to the will of God. A person who is freed from the bondage of sin, the power of sin, the consequences of sin, and a sense of guilt, and can fully enjoy a peaceful life in God. Jesus challenges spiritually regenerated people to become true disciples and enjoy true freedom. The apostle Paul exhorts Timothy to “make your progress known to all.” In other words, our spiritual transformation, maturity, and freedom should be visible to everyone.
We must be born again and grow. A newborn baby has life, but there is little they can do on their own. There is no freedom. I can't get up from lying down on my own, and I can't even urinate on my own. You always need someone's help and just want to lie down and be loved. I can't give you love. He always cries and cries to satisfy his needs. It is because there is life, but it has not grown. How are you spiritually now? Is your growth lagging? Are you growing well? Have you already grown up? Is there freedom in your spiritual life? Are you living your life sharing benefits and blessings with others? Or are you still a burden to others? Do you not love and live your life just begging for love?
Jesus also said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (verse 32). Jesus is talking about spiritual freedom. Those who are spiritually free in Jesus Christ are free even if they are imprisoned. The world cannot afford such a person. Even though the body is confined, the soul is free. Knowing the truth gives you this freedom. Freedom is true freedom. True freedom comes through Jesus Christ. Because Jesus Christ is the truth. Most of the truths spoken by the world's scholars are just one sentence. However, the Christian concept of truth is different. The truth of Christianity is people. That is Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus did not come to teach the truth. That person is the truth. If we meet Jesus who came to save us and receive Him by faith, we will be freed from sin.
There are several truths in the Bible. First, Jesus Himself is the truth. He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). Second, the gospel itself is the truth (Galatians 2:5). What is the Gospel? Simply put, it is the news that God loves us from eternity to eternity. More specifically, the news that God loves us so much that he sent his only begotten son into the world to die for us on the cross to completely forgive our sins and give us eternal life. If you know the truth of this gospel, you will gain spiritual freedom. Third, the Holy Spirit is also the truth. The Bible is said to be the spirit of truth (John 14:17). The Holy Spirit knows us, dwells with us, and dwells in us. When I believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in my heart. And he will never leave me and always be with me. Knowing the Holy Spirit, who is the truth, sets us free spiritually. Fourth, the law, that is, the Word of God, is the truth. It is said, “Your law is truth (Psalm 119:142). It is the eternal truth because it is the word of God.
Dear friends, I hope that God will bless you so that you can become true disciples of Jesus and enjoy true freedom by getting to know Jesus who is the truth.