Title Let's put our hearts into it!
However, many people today do not fully understand this will of God, so they know that if you unconditionally give in the name of Jesus, God will accept everything unconditionally. So, when I interpret the text in that context, I found that God accepted Abel's offering because Abel offered a sheep symbolizing Jesus Christ, and Cain was a sacrifice from the earth that had nothing to do with Jesus Christ. It is saying that God did not accept Cain's offering because he offered it. At first glance, it sounds like a very plausible statement, but it is a statement that does not know the nature of God at all, and is speaking in a way of holding the doorknob of service (blind).
Even if we think of the principles of this world, how can we become filial piety when we say that we are filial to our parents, no matter how delicious they buy us food and no matter how good clothes we buy? Even if one's financial situation is not good enough to buy expensive meat, and even if you buy a fish, if you offer it with all your heart, that's filial piety and you can't buy expensive clothes. If you give your parents this hand-woven shetta suit, that will be your love for them.
Even if we only look at ourselves, when someone gives a gift to me, one of them gives it with his heart, and the other gives a gift without a heart, just leaning towards the formality, which side would our hearts be more drawn to? How much more, if the world is like this, how much more can God, the creator of all things, demand of His love? However, since human beings say that God is invisible, they keep thinking that He is only a spiritual being. Instead of trying to do it with all their heart and sincerity, they keep loving the Lord with words! and will drink
The era in which today's text was written is the time when humans first set foot in the world, so the way to find God is also very different from today. Although the methods are different, the purpose is the same. And there are some things that haven't changed since then. It is the heart of the human mind. At that time, Christ did not exist as man's mediator, so all men had to go directly to God. That is why they bring them to God in order to sacrifice the things they have cultivated and worked hard for a year before God. However, the most important thing at this time is the human heart to offer sacrifices. It is not the kind of sacrifice that is important, but what kind of heart the sacrifice is presented to God is what matters.
This was true of the Jews of Jesus' day, and of Christians today. Although Jesus Christ came as man's mediator, that does not mean that even if the Jews at that time did not believe in Jesus and sat still, they could automatically enter into eternal life. At that time, the Jews who believed in Jehovah could enter eternal life only if they believed in Jesus Christ, who came as man's mediator, with their hearts. And today's Christians are people who believe in the name of Jesus, who died with the blood and became Christians.
Because Christians believe in the name of Jesus and become spiritual people, just because they keep calling on the name of Jesus does not mean that everyone can enter eternal life. Calling on the name of Jesus is something anyone can do. If that is the case, then they should try to believe in Jesus once with their hearts. Christians may easily call on the name of Jesus with their mouths, but believing in Jesus with their hearts is by no means easy. It is because all Christians are corrupt in heart. That is why Christians are also told to send the spiritual Son of God to see him and believe him personally.
Because it is so difficult for Christians to believe in an invisible Jesus, Jesus came as a spirit in one of the Gentiles and told them to see Him and believe Him personally. To believe personally means to believe in your heart. However, as Christians tried to believe in the Son, there was something that had to be resolved first. It is the sin that hides in the hearts of men. You must first remove the sins from your heart so that you can trust the Son in your heart.
To get rid of the sins hidden in the hearts of Christians is that they must confess that they are sinners with their own hearts. Otherwise, if you simply say, ?쏧 am a sinner,??as if it were someone else's business, it means that because your heart is not loaded, it also does not reach the Lord, so your sins remain as they are.
So, going before God is all about the heart. Even if you give thanks, you must give a gift with a grateful heart from the heart to receive it. No matter what kind of gift you give, you must always give the gift from the heart of your heart with love for the Lord. Likewise, even if we repent, the Lord accepts the heart of man, so we must repent from the heart. For example, if you have been stealing, you must first realize deeply in your heart what you were stealing. And when you see my robbery, you need to repent while realizing in your heart how terrible it is in the eyes of the Lord.
When you do this, the Lord will receive the heart of his sin of stealing and forgive him. If Cain and Abel in today's text repent, who will make them more repentant in their hearts? Naturally, Abel, who offered the sacrifice from the heart, will deepen his repentance. The reason is that Abel's heart always starts from the heart. But on the contrary, Cain would have just passed away with repentance. The reason is that because Cain did not offer sacrifices that came from his heart, repentance does not start from the heart either.