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Text: Matthew 1:18-25
My father named me Seung-gil, Seung-gil, and Sun-il-il, meaning ‘living with victory every day’. It is very important to make a name well, and to live up to the name so as not to be ashamed of the name.
According to the Bible, there are several people whose names are not Spirit, so God changed their names. Among them, Abraham is one of them. According to Genesis 12:1-4, Abram was 75 years old when God promised to bless Abraham. At that time, the blessing that Abraham desired was that the first was a child and the second was material things. God gave Abraham great material blessings while withholding the blessings of his children. And 24 years passed, and when Abraham was 99 years old, God appeared to Abraham again. It is found in Genesis 17. After reappearing, God tells the story of the blessings of children and then changes Abram's name. Genesis 17:5 says, “You shall not call your name Abram, but Abraham, because I have made you the father of many nations.”
God is the one who wants to make things prosperous, prosperous, blessed, and lead a good life of faith even by changing the name.
In today's text, the situation is recorded in detail when Jesus came into this world. In verse 18, it is revealed that Mary was betrothed to Joseph and conceived by the Holy Spirit before they lived together. The meaning of “to break up quietly” means ‘breaking the marriage’ or ‘let’s end the marriage quietly without disgrace’, and an angel appears at this time. “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to bring Mary” (Do not be troubled, upset, or misunderstood). When they say that God did this through the Holy Spirit, Joseph obeys without any reason. At that time, an important word of God was delivered to Joseph by an angel, verse 21. “You will give birth to a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” This is important.
The meaning of the name Jesus is that he is the savior. Why is Jesus great? Because you bought it according to your name. As his name suggests, he went the way of the savior, the way of the cross, and the way of death. Even though he was without sin, he was punished for our sins and my sins, and was whipped, insulted, spit on, ridiculed, and crucified to death. He lived up to his name to pay for the name Jesus (savior) had given to him. In fact, Jesus is a person who can take, forsake, bear the cross, or not. But he bought it without compromising on the name.
Dear saints, Let's make a church that is worthy of the name of the Shepherd Church. At that time, the following blessings will abound.
First: There is no shortage.
Psalm 23:1 “I shall not lack” Abundance. Satisfied. It's full of cars. It remains to be written. The blessing of being able to always collect 12 Gwangjuli even after giving relief follows.
Second: Receive guidance.
Psalm 23:2 Green pastures and still waters, there is no better place for sheep than these. He leads you to a place where you prosper.
Third: the soul is revived.
Psalm 23:3 How precious is the soul? It is 10 times, 100 times, or even 1000 times more precious than the body. The body is temporary, the soul is eternal.
Fourth: no harm.
Verse 4 In the valley of death, the gloom, David made this confession because he lived and experienced God's protection even though he was chased by King Saul.
Fifth: You will be honored.
Verse 5 He rewards them in the sight of them, exalting them in honor and exaltation above them.
Sixth: I live in heaven.
In this world we live in the church, in another world we live forever in heaven.
Dear members of Shepherd Church,
I interpret the name of Suwon Shepherd Church as “Suwon” (水原) because it is a place where water flows, so biblically calm streams and Mokyang are shepherds and sheep, so I interpret them together as “sheep and shepherds church by a calm stream.” So let's build a church where the shepherds and sheep are happy because living water and green pastures are plentiful, living up to this name. Hallelujah, Amen.