Title Noah's Faith
Hymn: 424 (New Hymn 380) 'The Lord is my life'
Meditation: With what kind of faith did Noah's faith save the world and still be the object of admiration of all saints today?
Confession of Faith: Apostles' Creed
Text: “But Noah found favor with the Lord, and these were the days of Noah: Noah was a righteous man, and perfect in his time, and he walked with God” (Genesis 6:8-12). Noah, who was used to save fallen mankind, is a person who is a model for God's people. What kind of person was Noah?
First, Noah had found favor with the Lord (verse 8). Among the blessings we have received, the greatest blessing is to receive God's grace. The world in Noah's day was so depraved that it was 'to the extent that God lamented that he had created man on the earth and was troubled in heart'. That is, a person who has been approved by God. Even if everyone is a concern of God, we believers should be the object of God's grace. Second, Noah was a righteous man and perfect in his time (verse 9). Noah is a righteous man. A righteous person is a person who has a good relationship with God. Those whom God approves and loves are righteous people. The righteous are the people God is looking for. The world perished when there were no righteous people. But Noah was justified by God. We too must become righteous people in this rebellious age and become God's people without blemish in the world.
Third, Noah was a man who walked with God (verse 9). People in Noah's day walked away from God and lived with sin. I have committed all kinds of sins. That is why they lamented and grieved for the creation of man by God. It's like when parents give birth to a child and they hate it and live only with the bad people in the world, how heartbreaking and sad would they be? So is God.
Fourth, Noah was an obedient man. Before God judged mankind, he decided to build an ark to save the righteous and commanded Noah. He told them to go up to the top of Mount Ararat and build the ark according to God's instructions. Noah obeyed the word of God with Amen and built the great ark. Obedience to God's Word is true faith.
Prayer: Help me to become a righteous and obedient person like Noah, the great man of faith. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.