Title Paul's Mission Strategy/Acts 18-1
city mission
Urbanization is a global trend today
Example of Korea: 1/4 of the total population is concentrated in Seoul, and 1/2 is concentrated in the metropolitan area
Global trend: 2/5 in cities at the end of the 80s, 1/2 at the end of this century
We need a shift in our understanding of missions - missionaries in the backcountry? (Example: Refer to the confession of the missionary in IVP刊 'Missionary Field Story')
Cities produce many problems, but there is a strong need for missions.
We need to go beyond what we think of as missionary work to spread a developed civilization while staying with indigenous peoples who cannot live a cultural life in remote areas.
Paul's Mission Strategy: Urban-Centered Missions; Athens (academic) - Corinth (commercial) - Ephesus (religion) (Compare: BeSeTo Line Beijing - Seoul - Tokyo)
Corinth; Capital of Achaia, destroyed in 146 B.C. and rebuilt by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C.
It is a transportation hub that connects east-west and north-south, and there is a canal of 5-6 km even today.
Without this canal, you would have to go around 320 km. Before that, most ships crossed over land.
Negative aspects: Characteristics of a port city - pornography; Corintonize is commonly used to mean immoral.
This is by no means to imply that backcountry or rural missions are unimportant. It is necessary to understand the various and complex missions situation in modern times and to broaden the understanding of missions as well.
Team Ministry
Paul working with a co-worker - division of work.
Aquila, Priscilla
Paul visits Aquila and Priscilla, a Jewish couple who were exiled from Rome.
Working together in the same profession (tent making, leather processing), Paul lived with them and helped them preach on the Sabbath.
Silas, Timothy
Those who were sent from Athens to the Thessalonians returned with missionary contributions (Philippians 4:15).
Paul is now able to do full-time ministry (18:5 ..exclusively to preaching and testifying..)
distributing roles
Paul-Evangelism, pioneering, Word study,
Silas, Timothy - Counseling, Ministry, Education
Aquila, Priscilla - Financial Management
*However, he was not a religious novice, no matter how he managed his finances - Teaching Apollos
We need a minister dedicated to the Word. Fear of problems within the church when this sharing and devotion is not carried out well (Acts 6)
The coming test during missions; spiritual battle, inner conflict
In spite of the great achievements, Satan constantly attacks the leader or the dedicated workers.
Although Paul's situation is not specifically recorded in today's text, it is presumed that there must have been a difficult situation from what is recorded in the classics (1 Corinthians 2:3, when I was living among you, I was weak, afraid, and very trembling)
the loneliness and conflict of those at the forefront;
Left alone with no one to help in the spiritual battle
No one to understand, no way to get help Feeling betrayed.......
Other examples from the Bible:
The loneliness of Elijah who defeated the 450 Baal prophets on Mount Carmel
- Pray to die under the rosem
However, you can experience the absolute comfort of God in these moments.
Elijah's experience: Hearing the small voice of the Lord after strong winds, earthquakes, and fires
David's Confession: Psalm 146:1-5 (Old 907)
Paul's vision
But with the examples above, you can confirm that you are never alone.
Elijah - Seven thousand yet to kneel
Paul - My people are still many.
Do you feel lonely and lonely while fighting alone in the modern anti-Christian culture?
Expect God's comfort, I'm never alone.