Title [Philippians 2:1-11] Fill My Joy
The book of Philippians emphasizes joy. The use of the word joy 20 times is proof of that. The joy of the saints, the joy of the clergy, and the joy of God are actually linked together. When there is joy in the saints, there is joy in the servants of the Lord, and that is, it is a joy to God. Paul, who is writing this letter from prison in Rome, received much comfort from the Philippian believers and was able to rejoice in suffering (4:1). The text urges us to fill that joy. It teaches that it is possible when the saints have the heart of Christ Jesus (5). Now, by examining the text, we would like to receive grace.
1. Being one is the secret to being filled with joy (2).
2. You can be full of joy when you truly consider others better than yourself.
“Let nothing be done out of stripe or vanity, but in lowliness of mind let each one consider others better than himself” (3). We learned above that we can find a abundance of joy when we are united. This section reveals the secret to becoming one. ① We must let go of vanity. “Glory without content” is called vanity. True glory must be fruitful. We need the glory that comes from being qualified, capable, and having achievements or merits. However, because many people crave glory without such qualifications, quarrels arise.
③ You must consider others better than yourself. This is humility. When you admit that you are a person who lacks more than others, you can become one and accept any result with joy. The example of humility Paul finds in Jesus. Paul emphasizes that all believers must learn this humility of Jesus, who became obedient to death by becoming incarnate, not taking equality with God the Father (5-8). This time, I had them write down a questionnaire for the selection of candidates. However, most of them wrote that they were insufficient and did not qualify. I was impressed with how humble he was. I hope this heart is sincere. Also, I hope it stays on. I hope the elected person will be more humble. Those who are not, acknowledge that it went well, congratulate them sincerely and show their unity. Moreover, I hope you have the virtue of knowing that it is God's will and obeying it. The day will come when the Lord will exalt and glorify such people (9-11).
3. Being considerate of others can be full of joy (4)