Title Philippians 03:12-14 Towards the goal
Toward the goal (Philippians 3:12-14)
1. Do not think that it is finished (verse 12)
“Not that I have already obtained it, nor that it has been perfected, but I pursued it to seize the one for which Christ Jesus took hold
2. Do not keep losing sight of the target (verse 14).
“I am chasing after the goal for the reward of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Paul had always had a dream, vision, and purpose for missionary work. Paul was educated in Greek culture and had Roman citizenship. And when he was 11 years old, he studied under Gamaliel, who taught the best science at the time, and received his doctorate in law. However, he did not stay there, he studied further and began to ponder for a better life. Then one day, seeing the death of Stephen, a disciple of Jesus, he had a deep insight into himself. One day, he was on his way to Damascus to persecute Christians without knowing it. When he heard the voice of Jesus, he fell on the road and was blind for three days. He reexamined his life in front of that miraculous event and began to walk the pioneering steps for the new gospel mission without hesitation. He preached the gospel to Roman Jews and Gentiles, wrote letters to his beloved Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, giving advice and advice, and wrote 14 texts in the Bible. I took it.