Title Pride in Jesus / Philippians 3:7-10
Content Pride in Jesus / Philippians 3:7-10
Key Verse: “But whatever things that were useful to me, I counted them all as loss for the sake of Christ… ” (verse 7)
If we could describe the Christian life in one word, we can say that they are people who live a dynamic life. This is because after accepting Jesus as the Savior, the way of life is completely opposite to that of the past. Before knowing Jesus, our values are Everything was on the earth. I risked everything in the world. But now, doing what I want to do is not the joy of life, but for the sake of what Jesus wants, I am fascinated by being willing to give up, cut off, and lose myself, and there is infinite joy there. It is a Christian to taste and live.
Believing in Jesus is to receive pearls. It is the joy of a person who has met the most precious among jewels. This is what we call absolute value. There is nothing comparable. We are excited about it. We serve others because of it. And for that reason, I praise the grace that is inexhaustible even if I give all I have. I hope that this pride and this pride will come out from the depths of our hearts and become Jesus' people. Today, we live like this because of Jesus.
Prayer: Thank you for the grace of the Lord who still loves and embraces us, who cannot repay us even if we give everything we have in the world. May you be filled with joy from the Lord. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Lord's Prayer