Title Provider Jesus Christ
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Provider Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:14-20)
1. Jesus Christ is the Provider.
(1) A person needs many abilities, including food, clothing, and shelter in life.
(2) All promises in the Bible have prerequisites. There are conditions for receiving promises.
2. A prerequisite for enjoying God's promises is to be generous with others (Proverbs 11:25).
(1) Condition: It is worthwhile for us to be generous with others.
First, what I give encourages others (verses 14-16).
Second, what I give becomes an investment in the future (verse 17). Jesus spoke of receiving a hundredfold reward for sacrificing for Him (Mark 10:30).
Third, what I give is what I give to God (verse 18).
(2) Promise: It is the faith that my God will fulfill it (verse 19).
Paul had two beliefs about the material life.
First, it is the belief in God's 所有權.
Second, it is the assurance of God's provision.
⑶The scope that God provides is everything we need.
But if we are lazy, we don't get everything we need. Also, just because God fills my needs doesn't mean he's going to provide everything I want. There's a big difference between what you need and what you want.
3. What does God precondition for those who ask for need?
(1) Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness (Matthew 6:33). Clearly, it is God who provides for our needs (v. 19).
(2) He fills us with abundance in glory.
First, the children of God have a glorious way of obtaining wealth.
Second, the children of God are glorious in the way they use their wealth (Psalm 37:21).
Third, it is glorious to see God's children enjoy wealth (Psalm 37:16,19).
4. The Bible speaks of “the truth that if I become a giver, God will provide for my needs.”
(1) The surest way to invest in this world is to invest in the work of the kingdom of God.
(2) “The grace of the Lord must overflow first. When grace overflows, the rich Lord gives abundantly. Why do you give? Do what is good for God! Do what pleases God! (2 Corinthians 8:9, 9:8)