Title Pulpit Sermon (January 16)
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2011. 1. 16.
(Large worship)
“Those who love the Lord more” (Luke 7:36-50)
God is most pleased when sinners repent and live a new life. Because He is a God who values one soul more than the whole world. One day, Jesus met a woman who broke an alabaster jar of precious perfume oil and poured it on Jesus' feet and washed it with her hair. But when he saw the Pharisee condemning the woman as a sinner, he forgave the woman's sins, saying that those who have been forgiven many debts are more grateful than those who have been forgiven less. And he said, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”
1. The hypocritical life of a Pharisee
The Pharisees thought they were righteous because they kept the law and acted proudly in front of people. But in Jesus' eyes, they were hypocrites sinners. Nevertheless, when he saw that he was criticizing a woman's pure heart, he rebuked them. It is said that those who receive less forgiveness of sins love less. Because they thought they were righteous, they actually did not thank God and led an outward life. We must not become like the Pharisees who easily criticize and condemn others.
2. A woman's devotion and love
A woman who had been pointed at by people because she had sinned greatly repented when she saw Jesus. And with the heart to forgive his sins, he broke the precious perfume alabaster jar. Then he wet Jesus' feet, wiped it with his hair, and kissed his feet. He expressed his repentant heart with the utmost respect in such an action. Jesus knew her heart. And he defended her to the Pharisees, and greatly commended her for her deeds.
3. Jesus’ Forgiveness and Salvation
Jesus came to save sinners and make them new. Therefore, even if the woman had many sins in the past, he saw the heart of repentance and forgave all her sins. Because he knew that she had shown such utmost courtesy with a heart asking for the forgiveness of many of her sins. So he said, 'Your sins are forgiven,' and prayed for her future peace. If we sincerely repent, we will receive the same forgiveness, love, and salvation from the Lord.
There is not a single person in this world who is not a sinner before God. There are only ‘forgiven sinners’ and ‘unforgiven sinners’. We, believers, should always live with a grateful heart, thinking that God has forgiven our many sins. We must also lead many sinners to the Lord and lead them to live a new life in Christ.