Title Pulpit Sermon (June 19)
< Pulpit sermon >
2011. 6. 19. (Sunday)
day worship
‘Let us set an example in our lives’ (Matthew 7:15-27)
1. Know them by their fruits
Jesus compared our faith to a tree and said that everyone should be like a tree that bears good fruit. Just as a bad tree cannot bear good fruit, so false prophets produce evil fruits and deceive people. However, sincere Christians should bear good fruits in their lives to glorify God and to be praised by others. Therefore, we should always live a life of faith that can be accepted by God and people.
2. Do God's Will
The standard of Christian life should always be the Word of God. You should always look at yourself before the word, be careful not to fall into sin, and do many good things. Then God will be pleased and welcome us into the kingdom of God in the future. However, if we do not live according to the will of God even though we say “Lord, Lord,” we will not receive God’s approval and we will be judged. Therefore, we must always understand God's will through God's Word and receive God's love by doing it.
3. Be a house built on the rock
People who build houses must first build a solid foundation. If you build a house on sand, it will collapse when the wind blows. On the other hand, if you build your house on a rock, you can survive any storm and stay safe. Jesus said that if we hear the word of the Lord and put it into practice, we are like a man who built his house on the rock. Therefore, we must live a life of faith like a house built on a rock that can overcome even when it rains, floods, and typhoons blow.
God wants us to be an example to the world, preaching the gospel and leading many people to God. Therefore, I hope that you will always live like Christians in the field of our lives and become saints who give glory to God.