Title Red Sea River Mada's Attic
Exodus 15:19-21
19. And Pharaoh's horses, chariots, and horsemen went into the sea together, and the LORD turned the sea to flow over them, but the children of Israel walked on land from the sea.
20. Miriam, the prophet, Aaron's sister, took the trumpet in her hand, and all the women followed him, holding the trumpet and dancing.
21. And Miriam answered them, saying, Praise the Lord, for he is exalted and glorious, for he has thrown the horse and its rider into the sea.
Acts 2:1-4
1. When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all gathered together in one place.
2. Suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a rushing strong wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.
3. And they saw them cleft like tongues of fire, and it rested upon each one.
4. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Title: Attic of the Red Sea River and Mada
Text: Exodus 15:19-21, Acts 2:1-4
What was the Passover night like in the land of Goshen? It must have been a night spent in tension and bewilderment rather than thrill. This is a command from God passed down through Moses. It's about how to eat roast lamb. “You shall eat it in this way, with your belt on your waist, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand, and eat quickly. This is the Passover of the Lord” (Exodus 12:11). It makes you feel the desire to recreate the situation at that time. When they came to Succoth, issued from Rameses, and counted them, the length of the book was 600,000. If you include children and women, there are well over two million people. 430 years ago, 70 members of Jacob's clan (Exodus 1:5) entered Egypt, and their prosperity was clearly the result of God's special blessing in making them fruitful and prosperous. Succoth->Edam->The Red Sea is reached. And once more, we face a turning point. Because of the chariots of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, who are pursuing them. He probably hadn't even had a battlefield yet. I don't think there were any who took on the role of skirmishers. However, Jehovah God informs Moses of the chasing of that very chariot. It is the care of God that transcends time and space. And he reveals the will of God who allowed it to happen.
“I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and Pharaoh will follow after them, and I will make the Egyptians know that I am the Lord.” And the crowds did so” (Exodus 14:4). When Pharaoh's army pursued them like a wave, according to the word of the Lord, the reaction of the children of Israel was full of resentment. A habit stemming from slavery, they say, 'There are no burial places in Egypt' (Exodus 14:11). The crossing of the Red Sea, which is considered to be the climax of the drama of the Exodus, is unfolded by God. At that time, there Moses spoke to the people who were perplexed and resentful. “Do not be afraid, stand still and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will work for you today. The Egyptians you saw today will never be seen again. The LORD will fight for you, and you shall be still” (Exodus 14:13, 14). “Do not be afraid…see salvation!” tells us what true faith is. The Israelites saw only the danger that lay before their eyes. I did not see the general plan of the Exodus, God's hand of salvation. It is also reminiscent of what the Lord said, “Do not be afraid, just believe!” (Mark 5:36).
The crossing of the Red Sea was as a miracle as the Passover. Unlike the crossroads of life and death that took place in houses where they slept at night, 2 million people from Egypt watched over the Red Sea during the day, not at night, where Egypt was proud of Egypt’s national power (Exodus 14:6, 7). Because it was a scene that developed while watching. They celebrated by the Red Sea. Of course, there is still a long way to go and the difficulties to overcome were only the beginning, but they had to hold a festival. It is said that the beginning of the festival was not Moses or Aaron, but his sister Miriam (Exodus 15:20,21). When Miriam catches the drumstick, all the women follow him, grab the drumstick and dance, and the song Miriam sang in response to them is the heart of the festival. “Praise ye the LORD. He is high and glorious. for he threw the horse and its rider into the sea.” I pray that today's festival will also have this joy and emotion of unity. He will give abundant grace to all the members of the Namsan family who work hard and are with us.