Title Remember (Psalm 103:1-22)
We are spending Lent to remember the life, sufferings and resurrection of Jesus. As we go through the season of Lent, we should not forget to be thankful. Gratitude for what we are today. What does it mean to get down on your knees and bless God and say that you should remember yourself?
First, we must remember grace. Grace was restored by the forgiveness of sins that stood in the way of God's goodness. Delivered from the depths of death. A body that was ailing due to natural corruption was healed. Life was bound to end in ruin, but a new life could be continued. It is the one-sided grace of God who sent Jesus, his only begotten Son, to this earth to solve the problem of sin.
Second, we must remember to be kind. He delivered them from slavery in Egypt and brought them out of captivity in Babylon. He is slow to anger, never cherishes anger, does not repay according to sins, and does not reprove, for the sake of repentance. He changed us from a curse to a blessed life by completely separating us from sin. The kindness of God who rules the human kingdom is full of us today.
Third, we must remember mercy. God is a father to those who worship with fear and trembling. He treats God-fearing children gently. God has compassion on us because He knows our constitution. Because you know that life is like grass and flowers. Yet his impartial never changes forever. He does it among us today with groans that cannot be uttered.
We must praise the grace of salvation through the cross of Jesus Christ from the depths of death. We must always pray, remembering the help of the Holy Spirit, who leads us with groanings that cannot be uttered. When we acknowledge that we are made of him (verse 22), we can praise God with all our heart, mind, and soul. We want to continue not only on this earth, but until we reach the eternal kingdom.