Title Romans 12:1-2 Be Transformed
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Romans 12:1-2
“Therefore, brethren, I beseech you by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. This is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this generation, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, which is good and acceptable and perfect.”
The Bible reveals that none of our deeds before God were worth in itself to offset our sinfulness.
Therefore, “there is no flesh to be justified before him by the works of the law… ” (3:20) defines
The Bible reveals that our acquittal before God is “saved by grace”, not that we have acquired by our righteous works.
‘God has done it all’
Then we will ask what kind of life God's people will lead after they are saved.
In response to this question, Paul recommends that life after salvation should be in harmony with the new level of age that the Lord has initiated.
“Present your bodies as a holy and living sacrifice acceptable to God (present, yield)”
Now our lives are not meant to paint over the salvation we already have
It is not the effort to make the salvation we receive more certain.
Paul exhorts us to “dedicate our bodies” to a new mode of life, now justified and called out from the dominion of death of a previous age
Previously, all of our actions were of no value to God, like rotten fish, because our nature was of unrighteousness. because it has been
The gospel has the power to change who we are
It has the ability to change the whole of your external life by changing your inner essence.
Therefore, the Christian cannot act as if he has received nothing from him
The gospel changes mind, memory, reason, even emotion
A Christian is now a person who labors and seriously meditates for the ability to prove what God's will is in specific circumstances.
A Christian is someone who no longer wants to judge by the manners and standards of this world
The saint recognizes Him as Lord every hour of every hour
And he wants all his thoughts and actions to be devoted to his service.
But this never happens automatically
Nothing can happen unless we give up ourselves and deny ourselves
Therefore, Paul advises not to conform to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
No matter how much we glorify ourselves, Christ's words of change are still true.
We must constantly labor to drive out the things of men from within us.
If he says “I can’t” or “It’s all right,” he is deceiving himself.
The Bible tells us to be transformed so that we can prove what God's will is in certain specific situations.
Because God's will with which we want to be united is by no means ambiguous.
‘Oh, this is God’s will’
Change until you can prove that something is good, acceptable, and perfect.
It is not something to wait for, it is something to pursue
all you have to do is sweat
The Bible tells you to change until you accept that the following exhortations are really good.
First, without exalting ourselves, Paul wants us to be able to accept that it is acceptable to God to acknowledge that diversity in the roles of others.
Just as the body is made up of various organs and members and each has a different role, so we must acknowledge that we belong to the one body of Christ but have different roles.
/Let those who serve, teach, encourage, and donate for the needs of others, give mercifully for the sake of the saints. If leadership, let them rule diligently; if showing mercy, do it with joy/ until they accept that it is God's will to help them do their work with joy.
first give me an honor
I suggest that you live with encouragement and comfort, not jealousy.
Second, it is recommended to change to have spiritual zeal.
I urge you to change until you realize that not falling behind in zeal, being spiritually hot, enduring persecution with perseverance, and devoting yourself to prayer is a requirement of me, not just a few.
The last requests are those that require more of our sacrifice and dedication.
To meet the needs of the poor saints, to practice hospitality
To be of one mind, to associate with the lowly
Not to repay evil for evil, to be at peace with all, if possible, and not to take revenge, leaving room for God's wrath, and it is God's will to overcome evil with good. It is to be changed until it is realized that it is something that is perfect and it is concretely put into practice.