Title Servant of Jesus (July 20, 2008)
Date: July 20, 2008
Word: Philemon 1:8-16
Title: Servants of Jesus
The unprofitable became the useful.
When God created man, he created it as a useful being. Onesimus, who used to be a useful being, ran away and became rather useless. Just as man was created to be useful for the glory of God, but has become useless because of the fall and sin. Onesimus became useful again by meeting Jesus through the apostle Paul. As disciples of the cross held in the Lord's hand, we have been transformed from unprofitable beings to useful beings.
He became the servant of the Apostle Paul.
The meaning of the word "heart" is "internal organs" and also "heart". Servants mean that they are completely living beings, but they are also like an alter ego of myself. Pawns have three characteristics.
First, you must be able to correctly count and understand the master's will.
Second, once you realize the master's will, you must put it into practice no matter what danger or pain it entails.
Third, the henchman should not claim that his possessions are his.
Gentlemen, we are all servants of Jesus Christ.
dear brother
Onesimus was truly a lowly servant, but Paul received him as a brother.
Dear brothers and sisters, we too were criminals and useless people like Onesimus. However, they are those who have been transformed into ministers of the gospel like the heart of Christ. Jesus still says, “You are my servant.”
May you be the servant of Jesus.