Title Seven Butlers
The more we read the book of Acts, the more we record the firmness of faith of the early church members and the Lord's love for the early church and the power and direct miraculous intervention in many places.
Today, as you are well aware, we will see seven deacons filled with wisdom and the Holy Spirit. The book of Acts is often referred to as the Acts of the Holy Spirit in that sense. From the beginning, the promise about the Holy Spirit is fulfilled, and we start with things filled with the Holy Spirit, and in every event, the Holy Spirit directly intervenes to give strength, wisdom, and miraculous intervention to the weak groups of the early church.
However, in fact, these instruments are not the main content in themselves. Because if we read it a little more carefully, how powerful were these records of the early church? Were you brave? It's not a synopsis of whether it was surprising or not, but it is quickly confirmed that it depicts the life scene of people just like us. Think of it this way. The saints gathered in the early church did not gather in this way as we do now. It came together much more powerfully than this. Because it's not that bad at all. It came together much more powerfully than this. Because they were gathered in a much worse environment, in the midst of persecution and obstruction of those who believe in the Lord, they were gathered in a situation where it was impossible to gather without 100% confidence and overflowing joy in their hearts. They received the work of being filled with the Holy Spirit and not only witnessed miracles, but also realized miracles themselves. In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, I have raised a crippled person and have been caught and escaped without opening the prison door.
Also, all the leaders of the early church were disciples who served Jesus Christ Himself, witnessed His death, and had seen the Resurrection and Ascension.
If he is like Peter, he is such a great man that when he passes by, people want even his shadow to pass over him. According to the book of Acts, all who gathered were full of joy, and they gathered together every day, working hard to sing hymns, and sell everything they had, and all were good and bad. . However, a dispute arose between the Hellenistic Jews and the Hebrew Jews. Jews are people who lived in the land of Canaan, and Hellenistic Jews are Jews who left the land of Canaan and emigrated to other countries. There was a serious fight between the Hellenistic Jews and the Hebrew Jews, although they were the same believers, because the people on their side had neglected the relief they should have taken care of. It's not even a big fight. This big fight over a trivial problem is something we can't understand at all.
So, looking at these records, what kind of perspective, what principle, and purpose were we writing the Bible records? You need to have a new perspective on what you do. The biggest reason many people lose a lot of money in believing in Jesus is that they have difficulties because they do not match their thoughts about the purpose of writing the Bible or, more directly, how God works.
We see many miracles in the Bible. Miracle Then, this is a typical example. Moses crossed the Red Sea to escape the Egyptian soldiers who were pursuing them. There is a record of crossing in such a miracle in the Bible, but if you read a little more, the Israelites who were led by such a miracle will be slaughtered in the wilderness. If so, I'd like to know why you took it out. No, to go one step further and ask a question, there is no way to explain why God, who can bring the Israelites out of Egypt by such a miracle, caused the Israelites to enter Egypt and become slaves.
Let us go into Egypt, as we know well.