Title Strategic Principles of Saints
Paul is proud of himself.
(3:17) Brethren, imitate me together.
He was perfect in everything.
(4:8) Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are godly, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are praiseworthy, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise , think of these things.
(4:9) Do what you have learned from me, received, heard and seen, and the God of peace will be with you.
… Paul lived a life of recognition, enough to write this in a public letter.
Who is God's precious use?
1. a diligent person
2. A humble person
7 things in common of great men who shook the world
1. The goal is clear.
2. We do our best in small things.
3. Occasionally do extraordinary things.
4. Do various activities and experiences.
5. Ideas are plentiful
6. Challenge yourself with curiosity about something you've never done before.
7. See things with a fresh perspective.
What strategic principles should I have in order to live in the world without regrets as a saint?
1. Live close to God.
The word that appears frequently in the Bible today is “in the Lord.”
On the other hand, point out that there are people who act as enemies of God.
(3:18) … “Many are walking as enemies of the cross of Christ”
2. Divide your life into daily units, diligently and diligently… Live in connection with eternity.
3. Live modestly.
Read the last years of King Hezekiah.
When he humbly asked God for favor, he received an extension of 15 years of life.
However, when he was healed, he boasted to foreign envoys with pride and became an irretrievable person for his descendants.