Title Street Preaching Rules - IV. result
Contents Street Preaching Rules
IV. result
{I planted, Apollo watered, but God made it grow. Therefore neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God alone makes it grow.} (1 Corinthians 3:6,7)
1. Preaching the Gospel of Salvation
The Bible never commands us to command. But the Bible commands us to be witnesses, to preach the gospel to all creation, and not to be ashamed of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you faithfully carry out this work, it is a successful life in the Lord's sight and you will be rewarded according to what the Word says. However, if you did not do this and were Christ's soldiers who were stingy in preaching the Gospel, you will regret at the judgment seat of Christ. “But God definitely adds.”
If we discern from the Bible, Jeremiah preached the word of God under all circumstances, and by the time he died he did not gain a single convert. As with Ezekiel, so with many other prophets. They all faithfully preached the word of God. When God does His work, He does it with His servants and His Word. God will use the word you preach as evidence of judgment on people at the time of judgment. You are also using the words you pour out to deliver souls and bring their hearts to their knees before God. We got two converts every Sunday morning in the city of Pensacola, Florida, giving a street sermon for two years. However, in Albany, Georgia, 76 converts were achieved in just one day. Always keep Ezekiel 2:5 in your heart and come to the sermon. “…but they will know that there is a prophet among them.”
2. People are saved
People will be saved if you faithfully preach the gospel according to the correct method, and if you personally do a balanced ministry. As I was preaching in Montgomery, a man named Dunn, about 40 years old, ran up crying. "I just got saved. I'm saved now." I had him read Romans 10:13, and he stood there for four hours and called on the name of the Lord. He testified to us that he thought of suicide every day because of his life problems. He clearly told us the joy of being saved. "Where am I right now, I want to know where I am," he rejoiced. In Wilmington, Delaware, playing the accordion and singing "Amazing Grace", a 25-year-old man named Jerome came up to me and seriously asked me if I could play that song again. it was I played the song again and asked the man if he was sure he would go to heaven when he died. "No," he replied. In five minutes, I led him on the path of Romans, leading him to our Lord and King, Jesus Christ.
14 people were saved overnight in Jacksonville, Florida. Three people were born again in Albany, Georgia. Fifteen people were converted in New Orlands. A young black man received the Lord in Montgomery, Alabama. Two precious girls received the Lord through street sermons in Pensacola, Florida.
The following is the testimony of a former cyclist (he currently serves as a missionary in Vancouver, Canada).
“Dear Brothers and Sisters: We thank you for your sermon that touched our hearts. Although we do not know you well, we thank God for giving us love for all of you. Don't do it, keep preaching. I'm born again thanks to street preaching. I love street preachers, especially those who love sinners on the streets, I love you. May you love all the lost souls in Vancouver."
Jack McRoline
"He who goes out with precious seed and weeps will surely return with joy, with his sheaves." (Psalm 126:6)
3. The fight against sin
"The entrance into the words of the Lord gives light."
4. Soldiers gaining strength
One of the most beneficial values of street sermons is to experience the powerful work of the Holy Spirit that cannot be obtained in any other sermon. I saw a young man full of strong passion and jealousy for the work of the Lord. The young man achieved spiritual growth faster and stronger through street preaching than through any other person or any other form of education. Street preaching is, in today's last days, an anabolic and hormone for spiritual growth, and is at the forefront of Jesus Christ's front. Once you get a taste of street sermons, it quickly burns into the veins of that person. There is only one warning: "You must not do it habitually."