Title Workers' Duties
Hymn: 350 (New Hymn 320) 'Purge me of my sins'
Meditation: How should we live as servants of Christ?
Confession of Faith: Apostles' Creed
Text: “He gave him or as an apostle, or as a prophet, or as an evangelist, or as a pastor or teacher… ” (Ephesians 4:11-12)
There is an old saying, "In order for the house to prosper, the daughter-in-law must come in well." So is the church. This is because the church may revive or not, depending on what kind of worker you are called in the church.
Then what blessings will you receive? It shares in praise and the joy of the master (Matt. 25:21). And you gain a beautiful position and courage (1 Timothy 3:13). Not only that, you are rewarded according to your work (Rev 22:12).
The reason God raises workers is, first, to perfect the saints. Let's look at the word 'complete' in the text. 'On-jeon' (kataartismon) means "to perform surgery to put a broken or dislocated limb back into place." In other words, it means building up imperfect saints. Jesus also said, "Those who are healthy have no need of a doctor, but those who are sick" (Luke 5:31).
Second, we are set up to serve. Service is called diakonia. It is to comfort and provide relief to the poor, lonely, and suffering. When you are called to be a worker in the church, you are set up to work. It is not built to be treated, to command, to show authority, or to sit on a throne.
Third, to build up the body of Christ. Workers must put all their heart into building the church. It is evident when we look at what Jesus said to Peter (Matthew 16). Peter confessed, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus gave this Peter the strength to build up and overcome (Matthew 16:18). Today, we must work hard to build up the church. We must strive to reap the fruits of the church. What are the fruits? It is for the saints to be healed and become healthy.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, grant us the strength and wisdom to carry out the missions entrusted to us. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Lord's Prayer