Advice hidden in the glamor of the title
1/1/2012 (Sunday Sermon)
Advice hidden in splendor
Text: Matthew 25:31-46
It is the first Sunday after Christmas. As you all know, Christmas is a day that makes our hearts flutter, whether we believe in Jesus or not. However, Christmas has long since become a culture in the world. And that culture has invaded the church in reverse.
Unlike 2000 years ago, when Jesus came into the world as the King who would overcome death, now the Christmas of the world has invaded the Jesus of the church as well. Thanks to this, there are many spectacular sights inside and outside the church. However, it is clear what we should look to at Christmas. Christmas is a season to look at and give thanks to God's work of salvation through the birth of the baby Jesus. Again, it is a “feast”. It is not a one-time event that ends in just one day. That is why, following last week, we are preaching again on the birth of the baby Jesus today.
The true meaning of the Christmas season has already been told through last week's sermon. God's work of redemption was accomplished when Jesus came to this earth in a human body, and it will be completed through the second coming of Jesus. That is why we should be able to look at the baby Jesus and at the same time see the coming Jesus through the Christmas season. Jesus is saying this to people today who have buried Christmas in a glamorous consumer culture. “Keep awake (verse 13)”
The Lord said in Matthew 24:44 that He will come again at a time we do not expect. Just as a thief comes in secret, Jesus said that he would come in secret. There is a reason why Jesus said this. Because people in the days of Jesus had people who calculated the date when the Lord would come again. In this regard, Jesus made it clear that dates cannot be calculated.
On the other hand, wouldn't it be nice if we let each other know in advance? It would be good for us to be prepared, and it would be good for Jesus to be accepted by those who are prepared. But Jesus said that He would come suddenly, at a time we did not expect. Why? Why are you trying to sneak in like a thief? That's because it's important for us to "keep awake". So what does being awake mean? Being awake literally means keeping your eyes open. But being awake doesn't mean not sleeping. To be awake means to look without closing your eyes at Jesus who will come again. It is a story about looking to Jesus and living an awake life.
Those who live such an awake life, Jesus says, are “those who will inherit the prepared kingdom and look to the kingdom of heaven.” In today's text, we are explaining “those who are heirs who look to heaven”. See verses 31-33. “When the Son of Man comes in his glory with all the angels, he will sit on the throne of his glory; and he will gather all nations before him and separate them from each other, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, with the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left. .”
When Jesus comes back into the world, he will act as the “Judge.” As He separates sheep from goats, He will divide us between those who will be saved and those who will be cursed. But the important thing is that Jesus constantly tells us to stand at the right hand of God as those who will be saved. Through the death of the cross, He showed us personally to leave the life that is cursed and return to the life of God. And, as the blessed ones, He tells us to inherit “the kingdom prepared for the righteous” from the foundation of the world. So, what must we do to inherit the “reserved kingdom”?
The answer is found in verse 40 today. Let's read verse 40 together. “The king answered and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” Jesus must see “Jesus the stranger” for the prepared kingdom. Who are the strangers? He is thirsty, naked, and hungry. For these people, Jesus says, whoever gives them food when they are hungry, something to drink when they are thirsty, and clothes to wear, can get the kingdom prepared for them, Jesus says. It is not about doing “good” passively and passively, but about doing active and positive good. Jesus is telling us through today's text that doing the very little good we can do around us is the standard for entering the kingdom of heaven, and this “good” is the awake Christian life.
Dear Onnuri Saints! As we begin 2012, the Lord is telling us to “keep awake.” And he says, “Lift up your eyes and look at me.” In a world with so much to see, our eyes are only looking for splendor. But what we need to look at is “Jesus like a stranger”. If our spirituality is not awake, we can drive out the stranger Jesus as unclean. Being awake means that Jesus has eyes to see right away. When we are awake in this way, we are able to do true “goodness” that does not reveal our splendor. The most necessary thing in the new year of 2012 is to pray to the Holy Spirit for “watchful spirituality”. Amen.