Be Before Title
Be before you do. (Luke 10:25~37)
As we go through life, we often misunderstand and make mistakes because we do not truly know the other person. For example, let's say the teacher gives homework to the students. The next day, the teacher checks the homework. The teacher praises the students for doing their homework well. However, students who fail to do their homework are severely reprimanded. At this time, the teacher judges the results brought by the students.
Guys, is it right for teachers to do this? In most cases, you are right. But sometimes it's not right. Even if you do your homework well, do you deserve praise if your mother did it for you? Even if you haven't been able to do your homework, shouldn't you rather be praised if you didn't do it because you didn't have enough time while trying to do it on your own?
Let's look at the text again. Jesus did not answer his question and asked again. Look at verse 26. you asked. To this, the teacher of the law answers. Then Jesus spoke again.
Everyone, take a good look at Jesus' answer here. did you say In this way, it seems that Jesus was also an activist. What do you think? Let's revisit this issue later. What's more, there is another fatal weakness for behaviorists. It is always. I feel it. The lawyer in the text was such a person. Look at verse 29. He wanted to make himself look right.
Jesus answered this question. A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and met a robber. They lose everything they have and are beaten to death. Then the priest and the Levite went along the way and saw a man who had fallen, but they went away. But later a Samaritan saw him, took pity on him, healed him, and took him to an inn to take care of him. After telling this parable, Jesus asks a question. He answers. Jesus answers.
Folks, right here is the trap we fall into. Jesus said it in verse 28 and also in verse 37. It all ended by saying that. So it appears that Jesus is an action-oriented activist. But we must not fall into the trap. It's easy to think. But folks, this is the trap.
Jesus was by no means a blind activist. This parable teaches something a hundred and a thousand times more important than that before the command. that is nothing else. Being and being are two completely different things.
Guys, who forced the Samaritan to help the fallen? no. No one was forced. No one was watching. He was free from the public eye. The moment he is unaware of people's gaze, the moment he acts with love from his heart whether others see him or not, he is a free man who escapes from people's gaze. Those who are free from the gaze of men will remain under the eyes of God's blessings that shine brightly. How, then, could the Samaritan be able to love a fallen man when no one forced him to? It is because his soul, full of pitying love, has commanded him to do so. It flowed naturally from the piled up of his soul. He had already become a man filled with love before he fell in love. he was
I used to sit still and meditate at the early morning prayer meeting, but it reminded me of when I was attending seminary school. Then suddenly the Holy Spirit asked. It was a question. What have I been clinging to?
Martha became angry and complained to Jesus. requested. But Jesus refused. You said. Martha was, and Mary was. What is one thing Jesus said, one thing that pleases Him? It's not a lot of work.
Where does the story of Martha and Mary come from? It follows immediately after the text we read today. Is this a coincidence? no. God has something to say. is what you are saying.
Later in John 12, we find that it was Mary, not Martha, who pleased Jesus by anointing him with perfume. Guys, don't try to be first, be first. Be a person of love before you try to love. Be a beautiful Christian. Have a spirituality like Jesus. Pray for this. Then the beautiful action will automatically follow. I pray that the saints will become and bear .