Don't fall for the title compromise
Exodus (21) Do not fall for compromise (Exodus 8:16-32)
<Do not fall for compromise>
The text describes the third plague on Egypt and the fourth plague on flies. Third, this calamity came without warning. At that time, the magicians also tried to turn dust into teeth with their magic, but they could not (verse 18). Then the Egyptian magicians told Pharaoh that this disaster had happened by the power of God, but Pharaoh did not let Israel go.
Next, God caused a plague of flies (verses 20-24). Then Pharaoh could not bear it and called Moses and Aaron, and offered the first compromise, saying, “Do not go far, and offer sacrifices in the land of Egypt!” (verse 25). When Moses refused the compromise, Pharaoh again offered a second compromise. “I will let you go. You shall offer sacrifices in the wilderness. But do not go too far” (verse 28). Pharaoh thought that if the Israelites did not go too far, he could free his soldiers and bring them back into slavery.
How many consolations are there even now? The big problem of unhappy people is to have a compromise attitude of “this is good and that is good!” Compromise can be misunderstood as an attitude of seeking peace and reconciliation, and its fatality can be hidden. So, always seek God's wisdom to avoid falling into the wrong compromise.
There are 4 types of people in the life of faith. First, they are people who live a life of faith by immersing only their ankles in the river of grace. They only go back and forth like a pendulum to church once a week. Second, they are people who immerse their knees in the river of grace and lead a life of faith. Whenever it is difficult and difficult, they get down on their knees and pray and receive answers often, but there is no change in their values.
Third, they are people who immerse their hearts in the river of grace and lead a life of faith. They are easily moved and dedicated, but they still cannot fully entrust their lives to God. Fourth, they are people who immerse their whole body in the river of grace and lead a life of faith. They are real saints. The devil threatens even today. “Don’t go too far. If you go too far, you will drown.” If you fall for that compromise, you become powerless. Even if you are drowning in death, when the river of grace soaks your whole body, works will happen.
< Go out to the sea of grace >
Why has the Korean church become so powerless? Because the church is overflowing with people who believe in Jesus but do not want to go far. Why can't the church change the world? It was because they fell for Pharaoh's compromise not to go too far. Why is the world dark even with ten million members? Because there are so many people in the world who don't want to go far. Now go far into the sea of grace and boldly plunge into the sea of grace.
There is an old saying that a madman catches a bear. A man crazy about something like that turns the world upside down. When the church is full of people who do not want to go far, the church has no hope, but when there are many devoted people who are willing to go far, the church will do its job, the values of the kingdom of God will be restored, and eventually those people will experience the deep grace of God . The biggest problem for modern church members is that they cannot fully devote themselves to accepting the ‘new-style way to believe in Jesus’ through compromise.
Even today, Baro is constantly offering compromises. “If you want to believe, believe in moderation! We only have to worship on Sundays. If we offer Wednesday and early morning worship services, when will we take care of the family? Believe in Jesus and go to church, but don't believe too much. Live a religious life, but don't be a fanatic. It is rude to tease too much. Why do you stop drinking because you believe you, close the shop on Sundays, and cry during worship or prayer that you have been blessed? Don't do that too much!”
Accept some of those words that you will accept. But if any word seems to be the devil's erroneous compromise, resolutely stay away from it. So resolutely, stop what you have to give, give what you have to give, give what you have to give, and be more loyal and devoted to God and the church. At the same time, exercise wisdom that does not go to extremes and does not break holy common sense. Be blessed by always doing your best for God's work with wisdom and humility rather than compromise.