Explain in title order/Acts 11:1-18
Contents <Title> Explain in turn/Acts 11:1-18
<Hymn> Chapter 358
-You can't become an adult without doing something you don't want to do. Your life begins by doing what you don't want to do.
If children only do what they love to do, mature people are willing to do what they do not want to do. Because children are self-centered, they tend to choose only what is good for them, whereas mature people do things they don't want to do with a sense of responsibility and duty for themselves and others. The more immature people are, the more selfish they get upset when they can't do what they want to do, but a mature person can always be truly happy by doing something they hate to do because they always put everyone first. Doing only what is good for one's self is to imprison oneself in a well of immaturity, which in the end ends in self-harm. do.
True maturity is not determined by the passage of time. Maturity and immaturity are judged by the person's age, whether he does what he likes to do or does what he does not want to do. Therefore, there may be older premature babies and, conversely, younger matures. Not only that, there may be people who have never truly celebrated the new year in their lifetime, and there are people who enjoy the new year and new days every day. Because only as a person matures, the time passing by him becomes new.
As I said in the 'New Year's service' on January 1st, the motto of our church this year is 'build it' based on Ephesians 2:20-22.
“You are built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the cornerstone. In Him, every building is joined together to become a temple in the Lord, and you also join together in Jesus to become a dwelling place for God in the Holy Spirit. It is being built' (Ephesians 2:20-22).