It's time to start praying.
Key Verse: “Jesus prayed all the more earnestly, and his sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground” (Luke 22:44).
Wealthy Hymns: 482, 480
▣ Open the door of your heart
No one can live without breathing. A person who is like the living, but who has no choice but to be dead, lives without prayer. It is God's providence that drives us through prayer to have wishes, dreams, and dreams in our hearts. So, the ancestors prayed not to make the mistake of putting anything ahead of prayer. Do you have this place of prayer, a time of prayer, and a form of prayer? Also, what kind of prayer are you praying for and why are you praying?
▣ Examine the Word: This text is about the details and scenes of Jesus praying on the Mount of Olives with his disciples the night before he was crucified.
1. What did Jesus follow to the Mount of Olives to pray (:39)⇒( )
Who did the disciples follow to the Mount of Olives to pray?
2. What did Jesus say prayer keeps us from falling into?(:40)⇒( )
3. What was Jesus' prayer posture?(:41)⇒( )
4. The content of Jesus’ prayer (:42)⇒ He said, ( ), if ( ), this
Take ( ) from me ( ) but not ( ) as you will, ( )
( ) of ( ) is one.
5. What did the angels do when Jesus prayed?(:43)⇒ ( )
6. Shall we summarize Jesus' prayer scene?(:44)
1) How did you pray? ( ), ( ) I prayed more ( ).
2) What happened? ( ) became like ( ) falling on ( ).
7. 1) What did Jesus do after praying (:45)⇒( )
2) What did Jesus see His disciples doing after praying?(:45)⇒( )
3) What did you say to the sleeping disciples?(:46)
① ( ) Are you sleeping?
② Pray that you do not fall into ( ).
▣ Apply the Word
1. As a habit, do we have a time and a place to pray?
2. Our prayers, like Jesus, before death, focus on God’s will rather than the matter (death)
Are you praying for salvation?
3. Are our prayers like Jesus' prayers of effort, effort, and earnestness?
▣ The resolution of the word
Since we are living in an age where there is no prayer for upward (God) and there is no God's will from above, now is the time to start praying.