No title will be persuaded!
Sunday Sermon
Text: Luke 16:19-31
Title: Even if he who is raised from the dead speaks, he will not be persuaded!
This text is a very effective and appropriate way of pointing out what kind of life people who live a religious life on this earth should be. Judging from the scriptures, the rich man wore purple and fine linen robes and ate and drank and enjoyed a sumptuous banquet every day, whereas Lazarus pretended to be a lie and lay on the doorstep where the rich man held banquets every day, scraping the boil and begging for food. is doing
Death will also come to the two people who lived like that. One person, having nothing in this world, lived as a lie for the rest of his life, and then dies and is taken up by angels into the arms of the Lord. They ate and drank and enjoyed themselves, but they were caught in the hands of the devil and fell into hell.
The rich man, who realized this only later, saw Lazarus in Abraham's arms and said, "Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue. I am troubled in the midst of this flame." Then the Lord immediately said, “Son, in your lifetime you received your good things, and Lazarus suffered; remember this; now I am comforted here, and you are troubled!”
The rich man, troubled in the flames, begged the Lord to send Lazarus to dip his finger in water and cool his tongue, but the Lord refused even that, saying, “There is a great chasm between you and us. And even if they wanted to come over to us from there, they made it impossible for them to come over!” He was telling the rich man not to think of any help here.
After hearing what the Lord was saying, the rich man thought carefully about what happened to Governor Lee Wang-ji, and he begged the Lord to make sure that even his younger brothers who remain in the world should not come here. W Send Lazarus to my father's house! I have five brothers, so let them bear witness, so that they do not come to this place of torment!”
Then the Lord speaks firmly again this time.
“He said, They have Moses and the prophets; listen to them!” Then the rich man clings firmly. “It will not be so, Father Abraham, if anyone comes to them from the dead, they will repent.” Then the Lord also rejected the rich man’s words, saying, “If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, even though he who rises from the dead will He makes it clear that if there were, he would not be persuaded.”
This is what we want to hear today.
After a foolish rich man has fallen into Hades, he realizes this fact even later, thinking that he should not let the rest of his family come back to this pain, so he raises Lazarus from the dead and sends him to our house to explain the situation here, and the family left in the world Even if they listen to the explanations of the dead, they think very humanly that they will not live the same life as theirs, but the Lord rejects even this in a word.
The reason is as follows.
It is a fact that the rich man must also have received the teachings of Moses (Lord) and the Prophets (Servants) sent by God when he was in the world. But the rich man was only interested in eating and drinking and having fun, so he heard everything they said with one ear and let it go. But when he died and fell into the grave, all their words were confirmed as true, and he regretted it belatedly, but now he is facing an irreversible situation.
The rich man who fell into Hades realizes this reality and clings to the Lord with the intention of informing his family members who remain in the world at a later date so that they will never come to this place again. You must have heard the explanations of heaven and hell from the prophets. If you listen to their words and your family members who remain in the world follow their teachings, you will not come here, but if you ignore their words and live in luxury living like you, eating and drinking, you will surely come back here like you.
This is still the case today. Even today, the foolish thinking of human beings hangs on the fear that if we send someone like Lazarus (who has seen heaven and hell) who is dead than the words of Moses (the Lord) or the prophets (servant of the Holy Spirit) sent by God, his family will understand and come to his senses sooner. However, it is the fact that those who ignore Moses and the prophets will not listen to those who have risen from heaven in the end.
When the people of Israel escaped from Egypt, God showed them 10 terrible calamities and made the Israelites know the existence of Jehovah God on purpose. But the Israelites pretended to believe in God for a while, but after a while they can be seen blaming God and complaining. Likewise, the signs that God shows can be very useful for people who have unbelief for a while to believe and follow God. However, the fact is that it does not keep the faith until the end.
As we are told in today's text, if we do not listen to Moses and the prophets sent by God, even if the dead come back to life and share their testimonies of what happened in Heaven and Hell, they will never listen. So what did Moses and the prophets teach and what did they tell them? Here Moses is the type of the Lord, and the prophets are those who cry out to live according to God's law (the Holy Spirit).
Therefore, even today, those who are sent as prophets are those who cry out to those under the law to live according to the Holy Spirit, and the Lord who came as Moses' master was the guide that led the Israelites to the land of Canaan. When those who have broken the law of the Holy Spirit come out after repenting of their mistakes, they take on the role of carrying them all into the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, today, rather than hearing the testimonies of heaven and hell a hundred times a thousand times, obeying and following the Lord's word once is the shortest way to live without being like a rich man.