Preserve the title length! (Genesis 17:9-14)
Contents American poet Robert Frost met with college students and was asked the following question from a student. “Sir, what is the most important thing we need to remember for a successful life?” Frost replied. “Well, in the first place, always do things to keep! ― Well, first of all, always do what the road will cherish!”
In today's text, God is commanding a meaningful ordinance that God's people must preserve along the way. It was the circumcision ceremony that had to be preserved from generation to generation in order to be blessed and live as God's people.
Then, just as the people of Israel have preserved circumcision in their history, what should our nation do to preserve the way? I want to tell you what the people need to preserve the way.
First, circumcision was an act of proclaiming that only God is the cause of national preservation.
By circumcision, the Jewish people remembered that they were God's people, so they have proclaimed that God will preserve them. Then, what about our people? The first verse of the national anthem, which confesses, “God protects the East Sea and Mt. Baekdu until it dries up and wears out, for long live our nation,” clearly shows that our nation also confesses that our survival and revival depend on God are giving We must preserve this belief in the way.
Second, circumcision became the strength that allowed God's people to survive in the midst of severe suffering.
Historians say that the reason that the Jewish people survived the unprecedented persecution was the preservation of circumcision and holy water on the Sabbath. Then, what is the force that has made our people survive in hardships more terrifying than death? . It is a spirit that gives strength the more we cry. We must preserve this spirit.
Third, circumcision became a symbol of God's unchanging and great love.
God promised and kept His promises to keep His people with unchanging love as long as they practiced circumcision. So, circumcision became a symbol of God's love for the Israelites. Verse 3 of our national anthem testifies to the eternity of God's love as broad as the sky toward our people by singing, "The sky in autumn is empty, and the moon is high and bright without clouds." He has never forsaken us. We must preserve this covenant of love for the long haul.
Fourth, circumcision was an expression of the people's determination to repay God's great love.
Preserving the circumcision ritual in the whirlwind of history would not have been possible without extraordinary determination and sacrifice. However, in return for God's love for them, they risked death and preserved their circumcision. Verse 4 of the national anthem sings that we too should not forget God's love for our people. “With this spirit and this heart, with all your loyalty, love your country, whether in pain or joy.” Have you ever thought about the history of our country without God's help? Those who love our country should not forget God's love. We must preserve this grateful heart.
Dear Bethel family, Today we celebrate our 79th anniversary
We are holding a commemorative service for Section 3.1. However, we cannot commemorate that day just by remembering the spirit that our ancestors of faith deeply engraved in our history 79 years ago. We all gather our strength and wisdom
3.1 Let's preserve the way by reviving the spirit in our history today. So let's prove once again that the Korean church is a repository of energy that holds the nation's last hope even in times of hardship that is scarier than death. In front of the world, proudly...
March 1, 1998
Verse 3.1 Commemorative worship service