The gifts given are different
The gifts received are different.
Romans 12:4-8
Through Chapter 12, we tell that those who are saved, receive the Holy Spirit, and have a missionary view of history should not give up their hearts but offer their bodies as a living sacrifice.
We all believed in Jesus with our hearts and with our lips. They were all dedicated in thought.
But Jesus said to give your body. There is no sacrifice without sacrifice.
God wants to give your body to God.
Also, verse 2 says that a true Christian is one who pursues the will of God without conforming to the world. Third, true Christians are wise and thinkers according to the measure of their faith.
(4) Verses 4-8 say that true Christians are those who form the body of Christ according to the gifts they have received.
What we have learned through the exposition on Romans so far is that the church is not a building, institution, denomination or organization, but the body of Christ. You are both in the building of the church and in the body of Christ. You have come into the life of Jesus Christ.
Jesus is life. This life becomes the light of man.
Dear saints,
The Church is one, but the bodies of Christ, which make up it, are diverse. But the body is one. The church is the body of Christ, and the church is the life.
I think for example. A huge body called an airplane is made up of several parts.
But the role is different. Different locations and different functions.
But many of these parts serve only one purpose. Its goal is to make airplanes operate safely. People should be able to carry their luggage safely and comfortably, and be able to load their luggage onto the plane. If it has so many parts and functions but can't fly, it's ah...