The Truth About Sheep and Goats
Content br> <Introduction> Two kinds of people - Physically, people can be divided into countless kinds
But spiritually, there are only two kinds of people: sheep and
It is a goat. (Matthew 25:31-46)
1. Sheep: Saints (Psalm 23:1, 74:1, 79:13, 95:7, Ezekiel 34:11, 31, Matthew 10:16,
26:31, 1 Peter 5:2-3)
2. Goat: All unbelievers and enemies of the gospel, false brothers, false prophets, false pastors, heretics, antichrists, and idolaters.
(Mt. 25:31-46)
3. Examples of sheep and goats
1) Abel and Cain 2) Jacob and Esau 3) Moses and Pharaoh 4) Joshua and Achan
5) David and Goliath 6) Jeremiah and Pashhur 7) Peter and Judas Iscariot
8) The disciples of Jesus, the high priests and the crowd of scribes 9) Stephen and Nicolas
10) Prisca Aquila and her husband, Ananias and Sapphira, 11) Repentant and unrepentant robbers
4. The Truth About Sheep and Goats
One). Sheep and goats are determined before birth.
(Acts 18:10, Ephesians 1:3-14, 2:10, Psalm 139:16, Romans 8:29-30, Acts 2:23, Romans 9:9-18,
Jeremiah 14:5)
2) Sheep are born sheep and goats are born goats.
3) The sheep live as sheep and go to the bosom of the shepherd,
But the goat lives as a goat and goes to the bosom of the devil
4) Evangelism does not make goats into sheep, (John 10:16)
Example: Jesus and his disciple → Judas Iscariot
5) Evangelism is to lead the lost sheep to the shepherd's bosom (John 10:16).
6) Jesus knows who is the sheep and who is the goat, but we do not know who the sheep is.
Do not know if it is a goat (Matthew 15:24, 10:14, Isaiah 53:6)
7) Goats disguise themselves like sheep.
Animal goats cannot do that, but human goats can. (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)
8) Sheep must not live in imitation of goats. have to live with sheep.
9) Study of John 10: Characteristics of sheep about Jesus as the Good Shepherd
1) The sheep know the voice of the shepherd (10:3-4, 27a).
2) The sheep know the shepherd (10:14, 27b).
3) The sheep follow the shepherd (10:4, 27c).
4) The sheep remain with the shepherd as a herd (10:16).
5) The sheep believe in the shepherd (10:26).
10) Sheep and goats live together on earth, but in the end they are divided (Matthew 25:32-33).
11) Jesus came to this earth for the sheep and died for the sheep. (John 10:10b, 11,15)
12) For the sheep, Jesus, the Good Shepherd, keeps his soul until the end (John 10:28-29).
13) Because goats are not Jesus' sheep, they do not believe in Jesus as their Savior (John 10:26).
14) The sheep in Matthew 25:31-46
1) Those who are blessed by the Father (Matthew 25:34)
2) Those who inherit the prepared kingdom (Heaven) (Matthew 25:34)
3) Those who benefit the souls of the brothers for Jesus' sake
(Matthew 25:35-36, 40)
4) Those who believe in Jesus, have their sins forgiven, and are righteous (Matthew 25:37)
5) They are humble people (Matthew 25:37-39)
6) A person who will enter eternal life (Matthew 25:46)
15) The appearance of the goat in Matthew 25:31-46
1) They are the cursed ones (Matthew 25:41a)
2) Those who will enter the eternal fire (hell) prepared for the devil and his angels.
3) Did not live for Jesus and harmed souls (42-43, 45)
4) Criticized and proud of Jesus (44)
5) Those who will go into eternal punishment (46)
1) Are you and your children sheep (saints)? Is it a goat (Christian, unbeliever)
2) If you are a sheep, you should give infinite thanks to the Lord for being sheep.
3) Because we do not know who the sheep or the goats are, we
We must preach. We must preach the gospel, but we must preach the right gospel.
4) The Bible describes false pastors, false brothers, and false prophets who pretend to be goats and sheep.
to be accurately distinguished as You can know the tree by its fruit.
5) Don't pretend to be a sheep and act like a goat, talk and act like a goat.
Jesus, the shepherd of the sheep, lived on the pasture of the word as a sheep
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