Towards the title sign... (Philippians 3:12-14)
towards the target... (Philippians 3:12-14)
This is the first Sunday worship service of 2011.
As the new year dawns, everyone makes plans for how to live the new year. However, when he finds himself not able to live up to the plan before a long time, he often finds himself disappointed in himself and returns to his old, ugly and dirty appearance.
Through today's text, we are going to share what we need to make, how to hold onto that plan, and how to accomplish it.
(Verse 12) Not that I have already obtained it, nor that it has been perfected, but I go after that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.
私ha, 得タのでももんせん, sudeni 得タのでももんせん.捕えようとして, 追求しているのです.そして, そレを 得ruyuunito kilist · IESが 私を 捕えてkusattanodesu.
Japanese interpretation: Christ Jesus is holding me to get it.
There is no one in the history of world missions who has accomplished such a remarkable work as the Apostle Paul.
However, considering the circumstances and conditions of that time, it was the worst environment and conditions that could be compared with his achievements.
It is said that missionary work in Japan is difficult now, but it is nothing compared to the days of the Apostle Paul.
Then, how did the Apostle Paul bear much fruit of evangelism under such adverse conditions?
1. It means that Jesus wanted to catch him.
2. It is not just that there is a wish of the heart, but that we pursued it to catch it.
This should be my first and your first goal in 2011.
But goals alone do not achieve anything. I wish you all the best in the new year.
Then our Lord, the King of kings, who will be the best in 2011, and the head of our church, will hold me and you so that we do not fall.
(13) Brethren, I do not think that I have yet taken hold of it; I have only done one thing: to forget the things that are behind, and to grasp the things that are ahead.
兄弟たちよ.私えてててててててせん.だ, 勵Ndeimasu. Sunahachi, Ushiga no Me no Me, Katsuki no Mi no Me no Me,
3. The latter must be forgotten.
The first thing a runner should do is to lighten his body.
If he carries this and that and runs, the result is obvious at least for the athlete.
People who cling to the past are the stupidest people in the world.
A person who continues to have previous failures or pains cannot adapt to new changes.
The person who caused the accident cannot take the wheel until they forget the accident.
Therefore, please forget the past, good or bad. The wealth and glory I enjoyed in the past can be poison rather than medicine to me.
Why did Lot's wife become a pillar of salt? It is because they could not give up their wealth, honor, and joyous life in the face of God's wrath.
Christianity does not question the past. Christianity doesn't even talk about the past. This is because it is a religion that believes and follows the Triune God who lives with us right now.
Satan keeps us stuck in the past and keeps us from experiencing God's blessings.
God has given us Jesus Mission Church. why did you give Make a new start! Now, our church cannot grow by staying in the past. You cannot enjoy the blessings that God will give you.
Do you have any pain? So is it too hard? So do you want to stand still? You must not stop. No matter how much pain, suffering, or trials we go through, our identity does not change. What is your identity? It is the status of being a child of God. Just by remembering that we are God's children, we can overcome pain, trials, and suffering.
4. You have to do your best to catch the one in front.
What is in front of you?
What did the apostle Paul say about the preceding?
(14) I am running toward the goal, for the reward of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Keyrist · 例文帳に追加
It is the purpose of the reward that God gives.
It is because I have gained much and enjoyed many things on this earth, but on the last day, if the Lord says that I do not know you, then it is of no use to hit the ground and regret it.
Just imagine that my son collected a lot of tickets in 2011 to please his dad. I'm not happy because it's something Dad doesn't want. The more the son collects, the more he gets angry with his father.
Please check yours.
In 2011, I hope you will decide where to go and what to do.
Those who choose well will be rewarded in heaven.
The one who has chosen a path that has nothing to do with the Lord is living the same life as the foolish son who chose a ticket to go into the trash.
There is an award the Lord wants to give us in 2011.
There is a prize of calling (賞) of God. It is the crown of life, the crown of righteousness, the crown of glory, and the incorruptible crown that is obtained through devotion, loyalty, and good deeds to God.
As we all pursued toward the goal, in the future we will receive a blessing from the Lord, saying, 'Well done, good and faithful servant, you were faithful over a few things, and I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master. I bless you in the name of the Lord to become saints who hear the voice of 『よkuwatta.良い 忠實なしもべだ.ああずかなずだttakara, わずかなだったか, 私あああああせよう.喜びをともに for the master person. 』