When you change your beliefs, your life changes.
* Main text: Matthew 15:28, 21:21-22
* Subject: If you change your beliefs, your life will change.
* Date of writing: January 16, 2010
* Sermon Location: Ansan Sujeong (1/17)
* Today’s title is “If you change your faith, your life will change”.
& God's Word! / Let me prove it. <Follow me>
<Last week review> Point, Line 1D / Plane 2D / Space 3D / 4D // The lower dimension is governed by the higher dimension /// We live in a three-dimensional world!! - If the spiritual world of the 4th dimension changes, the field of our life can change the 3rd dimension /// What is the 4th dimension? thoughts, beliefs, dreams, words>
<Last week for the first time - I testified of the saying, “If you change your mind, you change your life.”>
- The first point of attack of the devil - Our thoughts. <To Judas Iscariot - He said he put the idea of selling Jesus.>
& First, we need to get rid of these bad thoughts.
- So, our thinking is “Positive Thinking! / thoughts of faith / beautiful thoughts”.
** At that time, our three-dimensional world is twisted and a changing history occurs.
* Today is the second time, about “faith,” the second realm of the four-dimensional spiritual world.
& Let's think together.
# Faith comes into the track of life //
* We believe / that our God is a very good person.
- So God / made our lives as children / just in a good state - in a state of good.
& doesn't want / to stay.
- Want our lives today to go beyond the Good / Great - to a state of excellence.
I hope you go beyond the good and become the excellent.>
1) (Of course, it is good to be prosperous.) / However, our God
& Today we / just~ ‘I hope it prospers’ - not at this level
& I want / to become a [source of blessing] that gives / full, overflowing, and abundant.
2) Just, “I wish I could be cured of any disease” - not at this level
& Health is basic, and life rises like the wing of a young eagle! You want / to be.
** Such a reversal of life! - What is the starting line for living such an outstanding life?
- That is, to have “God’s thoughts” in our hearts.
- It is to change our thinking.
* If changing our “thinking” is... / standing on the [starting line],
& Now (for a life of excellence) what makes you step into the track of life
& “Faith”. "belief"
- With positive thoughts and thoughts of faith that ‘I can do it through Him who strengthens me’
& Now that you have decided to look at life, // if you are at the starting line,,,, //
& Connecting God-given thoughts / with obedience! = This is “faith”.
# Jesus works through faith //
** Dear friends!
- Faith = in “the marathon of life” /
& overcoming our weaknesses today / overcoming our limitations and situations...
& It is the God-given formula of reversal that enables you to enjoy happiness.
<Follow it: Faith / “The Formula of Reversal”>
* For example (as is the text we read today)
- Looking at the Gospels, / the amazing work Jesus did is
& Lee~ Through the 4 dimensional formula of “faith” / by all means! that it was done.
- Jesus / to the many people who came with life's problems
& “I fixed you. I've solved your problem" you didn't say
** What did you say?
- “Your faith has saved you!” / “Let it be according to your faith!”
- Today's text / "Woman! Your faith is great. It will be as you wish!” <Hallelujah!>
** Looking at the miracles that Jesus performed,
& As for non-person related events / just ordered.
- “Ghost! Go away!” / - “Wave! Be still!'
- When he performed the miracle of the five fish / “Look to the sky and give thanks”
** However, when working through people,
& sure, “your faith has saved you!” / “Let it be according to your faith!”
& using our faith / to work.
* Everyone! Do you want God's amazing works and miracles to happen in your life?
- The material for that miracle is [Faith]. "belief"
- God is working / using our faith today. <Amen?>
** Therefore, if we want our life to go beyond Good and become Great - Excellent,,,,,
& If we want our lives to be UP graded... // What should we do?
- Please upgrade your trust.
<Follow me: “Lord! / Upgrade my faith!”>
* Dear friends! Be sure to remember! /
- As your faith grows // your life will grow.
- As your beliefs are upgraded / your life will be upgraded.
# Faith is not a feeling - Faith is a choice.
* Then, what is faith?
** To think about what faith is /
& First, let's think about one thing / about non-belief.
* Dear friends!
- Faith is not a “feel”. / Faith is a “choice”. "Selection!"
<Follow it: “Faith / is not a feeling / is a choice”>
** In Mark 5:21 and below, / our faith
& demonstrates how much we are driven / by our emotions and feelings.
** The synagogue leader [Jairus] appears.
- When his little daughter died / he came to Jesus / "Come and heal him." - Begging.
- So, while Jesus is hurriedly leaving / people come from his house.
- "do not be surprised. / Your daughter is already dead. / No need for Jesus to come!”
* How do you think your father, Jairus, must have felt when you heard these words?
- Aren't the pain, sorrow, and tears that seemed as if the sky was going to fall in front of you?
- Did you lose all strength in your body, / in despair and regret / and slumped down?
** Then, did Jesus say to “Jairus”?
- "Don't be afraid, just believe!"
- Hearing this, Jairo / couldn't control his feelings of sadness and pain...
& “No, what are you talking about now?” / “Now that it’s over, it’s no use, so you want to go?”
& Wouldn't that be easy!? <Is that right?>
** However, Jairus did not do so. /
- You have chosen / & [belief], not your own feelings and feelings.
& I believed [Jesus' words].
- What happened in the end?
- According to that belief / “Daldagum!-Girl! Get up!” - You saved that daughter.
* Dear friends!
- Faith, / depends on our choices
& depends on our feelings / not.
** Therefore, faith, / however cold my heart may be,
& “I will believe the word of God” - “I will believe in the power of God.”
& is to choose. "Selection!"
1) Looking at “My Home”, / I feel frustrated and hopeless.
- However, without choosing my feelings /
& “God established our family today / and wants to restore our home”
& “God wants my family to be happy today!!”
& Choose the Word of Promise, / Choose Faith.
2) If you have a long “term illness,” / you just give up and get frustrated.
- However, my feeling is Inara / “God heals today”
& “There is power in the blood of Jesus. / It is impossible with man, but with God it is possible.”
& Choose Faith. <Faith, not feeling!>
* Dear friends!
- Faith is not choosing feelings /
& is to select the word / and select the appointment.
<Spouse too - A person of faith chooses the Word, not the feeling.>
# God's size is faith //
* And what is faith?
* “J. Among the books written by a person called “B. Phillips”
& There is a book called “Your God is too small”.
* In that book / there is a famous saying like this.
- "The size of your life / is determined by the size of the God you believe in."
<Follow me>
** Dear friends! / Do you believe in God / how great and great he is?
* By Alexander the Great / there was an old general / who always lent his wisdom /.
** In today's terms, / I have been discharged from the so-called retirement.
- Then Alexander the Great / "You've worked really hard all this time."
& “Yes, what is your wish? / Tell me one wish!”
* Then this retired general /
"Your Majesty, your Majesty has occupied many countries until now...
& give me “a country” of them as a gift”
** The other generals / who were around / started talking.
- Among them, a general with an urgent personality said, “It is blasphemy to dare to claim your majesty’s kingdom.
& then he just gets angry.
* But really! / Alexander the Great / “chuckles” smiles / and is content.
- "Also! you are different // You have given me great honor! /
- “As much as I could give you / even one “country” as a gift...
& acknowledged me as a great and great being.
& yes take it! / Have a country!"
* How / how big / do you acknowledge and trust God?
* “Your life!”
1) It is / not determined / by what kind of environment I was born in.
2) It is not / that is decided / by how good conditions I started.
3) It's not / it's not decided / by who I am.
** “God with me!”
& How great and great he is!! /
& accordingly... / the size of your life / is determined.
** What a great and wonderful God / that I experience every day! /
& there will be my future/determination of my life depending on it.
** Dear friends! / What kind of God do you believe in / in God?
1) Do you by any chance believe in God as “a soft God a scary God”?
- If you obey / give something good // if you don't - hit him...
- If you give me something - Reward it // and guide noodles - No soup...
** Our God! You're not that kind of person.
2) Or, do you not believe in God as a “helper”?
- Someone like [Superman] who comes and helps me when I need it!!
** I mean, living at a level where you're barely out of danger every day.
3) Or, refer to God as “a very loving father” or “my bountiful father!”
& “A person who is anxious for not being good to me” / Do you believe in such a person?
** According to your beliefs - abundant life! / A life full of good things! - I believe it will be.
# Faith is looking to Jesus. //
* Everyone! What is “faith”?
**It is written like this at the main gate of Hebrews 11, which can be called “the hall of faith.”
- (Hebrews 11:1) "Faith is the substance of things hoped for... the evidence of things not seen."
* Everyone!! Faith is “seeing”. <What do you see?>